
Module 3 Unit 3 In the shop Period 1 (Shopping for camping )课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:11052932Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。4A M3 U3 In the shop(1st period)Shopping for campingWhat do you want to buy?Where can you go?Tip1: I want to have a loaf of bread and a packet of cakes.Tip2: Shall we buy some drinks? Two bottles of juice and three bottles of water, please.Tip3:If you go for a camping,you need a tent and two kites. Here's the bakery section. What do you want, Kitty? I want a loaf of bread.['sek?(?)n]How much is it?It's ten yuan. Let’s say. At the bakery section, Kitty and her mum buy _____. It’s ten yuan. a loaf of breadMay I have a packet of cakes, Mum?Sure. How much is it?It's fifteen yuan. OK, let's take some. You like sweet food. But don't eat too much.Yes, mum. Let’s say. At the bakery section, Kitty and her mum buy _____. It's fifteen yuan.a packet of cakes Pair work.A: Here's the bakery section. What do you want ? B: I want ... A: How much is it? B: It's ...a loaf of bread ¥10a packet of cakes ¥15a hotdog ¥5Here's the bakery section. What do you want, Kitty? I want a loaf of bread.How much is it?It's ten yuan.May I have a packet of cakes, Mum?Sure. How much is it?It’s fifteen yuan. OK, let's take some. You like sweet food. But don't eat too much.Yes, mum. Let’s say. At the bakery section, Kitty and her mum buy a loaf of bread. It's ten yuan. They also buy a packet of cakes. It’s fifteen yuan. Kitty likes sweet food.a loaf of breada packet of cakesListen and ticka loaf of breada packet of cakesthree bottles of watertwo bottles of juice : Here’s the drinks section. What do you want?: I want _____. : They're _____ yuan.: OK. How much are they?.Drinks sectiontentwo bottles of juiceDrinks section: What else do you want?: May I have _____? : All right. How much are they?.: They're____yuan. I can share with my friends.three bottles of waterninethree tins of cola ¥9three bottles of water ¥9two bottles of juice ¥15: Here’s the drinks section. What do you want?: I want _____. : They're _____ yuan.: OK. How much are they?.: What else do you want, Kitty?: May I have _____? : All right. How much are they?.: They're _____ yuan. I can share with my friends.Drinks sectiontentwo bottles of juicethree bottles of waternine Let’s say. At the ...section , Kitty and her mum buy .... They’re ... yuan. They also buy .... They’re ... yuan.They can share with each other. Let’s say. At the drink section , Kitty and her mum buy two bottles of juice. They’re ten yuan. They also buy three bottles of water. They’re nine yuan. They can share with each other. a loaf of breada packet of cakesthree bottles of watertwo bottles of juicea tenttwo kitesSports sectionSports section¥50¥30How much is it?How much are they?Sports section: I want _____. : It’s _____ yuan.: What else do you want, Kitty?: May I have _____? : How much are they?: They are _____ yuan.: OK. How much is it?.: Here’s the_____ section. What do you want, Kitty?: Ok, let's buy them.sportsa tentfiftytwo kitesthirty What do you want, Kitty?May I have _____? How much ...?It's/They'are _____ y ... ...

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