
Unit2 Colour PartB Start to read and story time(课件+教案+同步习题)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:12346539Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件20张PPT。Unit2人教版PEP小学英语三年级上PartB Start to read and Story timeColourLet's singor gebr wh t bl ck Magic eyesorangebrownwhiteblackI see _____.What colour do you see?I can sayI see _____.What colour do you see? What do you see?Find and sayRead and tick√√√√√√Look and answerWhat colour do you see? Who can you see? Zoom,Zip flower...Black,red,yellow,blue...Look and answerGuess:How do they greet each other? Where are they? They are in the gardenHow are you?“你好吗?”常用于熟人之间见面问好, 回答一般用:I'm fine.thank youLook and answerWhat does Zoom see? Zoom see many flowers.Look and answerWho picks the flower? Zoom.Is it right? No,it isn't.Look and answerWhat colour do you see? A red flower,A ____ flower...Story timeLook at the videoStory timeFollow the tapeStory timeDubbingStory timeRole playExercisesExercisesRead and match1. Good morning . A.OK. 2. Nice to meet you . B. Good morning . 3.What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you, too 4. Good afternoon. D. My name’s Sarah. 5.Colour it orange. E. Good afternoon. HomeworkHomework 1. Listen to the recording of “Story time and Let’s d” for 20mins after class. 2.Review Unit2. 谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php Unit2 Colour B Let’s learn 一、拼写 红色 _____ 蓝色 _____ 橘色 _____ 白色 _____ black _____ pink _____ green _____ brown _____ 二、在四线格上写出下列字母的大小写形式。 1.Aa 2.Dd 3.Bb 4.Cc 三、看图,选择下列事物常见的颜色。 1. A.yellow B.red 2. A.green B.blue 3. A.black B.red 4. A.brown B.green 参考答案 一、拼写 1.red 2.blue 3.orange 4.white 5.黑色 6.粉色 7.绿色 8.棕色 二、在四线格上写出下列字母的大小写形式。 1.   2. 3.   4. 三、看图,选择下列事物常见的颜色。 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 人教pep版三年级上册Unit2 Colour教学设计 课题 Part B Start to read and Story time 单元 Unit2 Colour 学科 English 年级 三上 学习 目标 1. 复习、巩固本单元所学知识。 2. 通过听力练习,检查学生对本课内容掌握情况。 3. 通过有节奏、有韵律的歌谣,让学生进一步复习和巩固本单元所学的词汇,同时培养学 生的创新能力。 4. 培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音语调基础。 5. 通过学习讲Story time,表演故事,激发学生积极学英语的兴趣。 重点 做本课 Let’s check 部分的听力练习和做Start to read找字母、找颜色的练习。 难点 能理解Story time的内容,正确做出 Let’s check的听力练习。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up Let's sing Magic eyes I can say What colour do you see? I see _____. Let's sing Magic eyes I can say What colour do you see? I see _____. 通过歌曲、快速出现图片读单词和复习I see加颜色,进一步复习巩固颜色。 Presentation B Start to read and Story time Find and say What colour do you see? What do you see? I see _____. Read and tick Look and answer Who can you see? What colour do you see? Zoom,Zip flower... Black,red,yellow,blue... Where are they? Guess:How do they greet each other? They are in the garden How are you?“你好吗?”常用于熟人 ... ...

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