
Unit 6 My classroom 课件(21张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:74次 大小:9640071Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件21张PPT。Join in 三年级上册My classroom ———祈使句的用法What’s in the classroom?Listen and SayOpen your pencil case.Yes, Miss.All right.Put in your pencil.Put your book in your schoolbag.OK.Clean the board, please.All right.CleanClean …Turn off the light, please.Yes, Miss.Turn offClose the door, please.All right.祈使句结构:动词原形+其他部分常见回答:Yes.OK.All right.Make some dialogues.1A: Close your eyes.B: Yes, Miss.2A: Open the box.B: All right.3A: Put in your pen.B: OK.4A: Turn off the light.B: All right.5A: Clean the car.B: OK.6A: Put your book on the desk.B: Yes, Miss.Make everything in order.归置好物品! 教室是我家,整洁靠大家。Goodbye!

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