
Unit 3 My weekend plan PB Read and write 练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:25次 大小:1466458Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 My weekend plan PB Read and write同步练习 口语训练 一,补全对话并大声朗读2遍。 Sunday Dear Diary, Tomorrow is _____. My family are going to get together and _____. My grandma _____ _____ about Chang'e. My aunt is going to _____. Robin and I are going to _____. This is our poem: F is for _____. We will all be together tonight. A is for _____. It is the autumn season. M is for _____. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. I is for '____'. I am so happy today. L is for _____. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. Y is for ____. You can be together with your family too! 二, 和你的同桌说说某个节日你们打算做什么呢?可以选择下面一些短语, 也可以按自己的意思说哦。 每人最少说出3条活动, What are you going to do on ____? I’m going to _____. 圣诞节要来了, 你打算在圣诞节做什么呢, 跟我们说说你的计划吧。 笔试训练 写出下列单词或短语。 讲故事 _____ 做月饼 _____ 3. 读一首诗 _____ 4. a story about Chang’e _____ 5. have a big dinner _____ 6. together with your family _____ 选择题。 will, she, tell, a, mother, about, us, her, story, (连词成句) _____ I’m going to buy a storybook. (就划线部分提问) _____ Mike is going to see a film.(就划线部分提问) _____ Amy is going to the supermarket tonight.(就划线部分提问) _____ 根据提示补全句子。 Mike is going to _____tomorrow. Sarah will _____ next month. Amy often _____(read) books on Sundays . She is going to buy some _____. 阅读理解, 判断正误。 New Years Day Is Coming My family is preparing for the upcoming New Years Day.My mom is going to buy a lot of nice food. She also will buy me some nice clothes. My dad is going to buy me some gifts and books. I like them very much. I am busy helping my grandma with her housework. I am very happy that I can spend the New Years Day with my family. ( )1. I am going to have a lot of nice food. ( )2. I am going to have some new clothes. ( )3. I am going to buy Day some new books. ( )4. Dad is going to buy some new clothes. ( )5. I am going to be together with my family on Christmas Day. 参考答案 口语训练,略 口语训练,略 口语训练,略 四,1. tell a story 2. make mooncakes 3. read a poem 4. 一个关于嫦娥的故事 5. 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 6. 和你的家人在一起 五, She will tell us a story about her mother.  What are you going to buy? Who is going to see a film? When is Amy going to the supermarket? 六,1. see a film 2. take a trip 3. reads 4. comic books 七,√√×××

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