
牛津版高中英语选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:58次 大小:17230Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1《Laughter is good for you》 ● Task Writing to a foreign friend This section consists of a series of activities which provide you with opportunities to learn and practice the listening, speaking, reading and writing skill. This section is divided into three steps and each step is preceded with a skills building part. Through listening and reading, you will get information about Chinese crosstalk. You are asked to use the information you have got to write an e-mail to a foreign friend answering his questions about Chinese crosstalk. Skills building 1: identifying priorities In this part, you will learn how to identify the most important part and the least important part of a task. Now look at the sentences on the blackboard. I need to know how many of you will go to watch the play this Saturday. I’ll have to book the tickets. I want to know why you are so interested in the play. I would like to know how you will go to the theatre. Discuss in your groups and decide which one means the most important request and which one is the least important request. And give me your reasons. ( Do not judge whether their answers are right or not directly. Take notes of the reasons beside the sentences on the blackboard.) If you want to know whether your judgment is right or wrong, you can refer to the guideline and the three points in skills building 1 on page 10. Now have you known how to identify the most urgent request? Let’s come back to the sentences on the blackboard and check if you have judged correctly. Step 1: answering questions This part is designed to help you develop your listening skills. You are first asked to take some notes while listening to a telephone message and decide which requests are the most important, somewhat important or the least important, according to what you have learnt in Skills building 1. Then you will listen to an English radio talk show and read a magazine article to get more information needed to find the answers to the questions asked by a foreign friend. 1 read Part A on page 10 to make sure what you are asked to do when listening to the recording. While listening, you should take some notes and pay attention to the words used in Bill’s requests, so you decide what is the most important , somewhat important or the least important. Tapescript Bill: Hi, this is Bill! I’m sorry you are not at home. I need to ask you some questions. My teacher has asked us to write a report about a form of comedy. I want to writhe about Chinese crosstalk. Can you answer my questions about crosstalk and then e-mail me back the answers? I’d appreciate it so much! First, I need to know some basic information about crosstalk: What is crosstalk? When did it start? What are the different parts of a crosstalk performance? I also would like to know where one can hear it or see it. Do you watch it in a theatre or on television, or do you list3n to it in the radio? I want some information about famous crosstalk performers too, both living ... ...

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