
牛津版高中英语选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-Reading 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:44次 大小:14208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1《Laughter is good for you》 Reading Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three sections--types of stand-up, a famous comedian and the fact that laughter is good for your health. (2) Stimulate the Ss’ interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions when it comes to the topic “Laughter is the best medicine”. (3) Students are expected to gain some knowledge about stand-up comedy and reinforce their reading comprehension. (4) Develop the students’ reading ability--how to guess the meanings of new words. Important points & difficult points: Find the main points in the three sections and express them. Understanding the text. Procedure: Step 1 Lead-in (1) Warming up: Learn about famous comedians and well-known forms of comedy. (2) General questions: 1. What is the article about? Stand-up comedy. 2. How many types of stand-up are there? There are four main types. 3. What is laughter good for? Our health. Step 2 Reading comprehension Detailed information: C1: Answer the following questions. 1.What is special about stand-up comedy? 2.What are the four main types of stand-up? 3.When did Billy Crystal begin practising stand-up? 4.What is one reason Billy Crystal has become so famous? 5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? 6. Who were Bob Hope and George Burns? 7. What does your brain do when you laugh? 8. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text? C2: (1)Choose the correct type of stand-up comedy. 1.Observational a. A comedian stands on stage and holds a banana to his ear. He says, ‘Hello? Hello? I’m sorry I can’t hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone.’ 2.Prop b. A comedian puts on glasses, changes his or her voice and pretends to be someone else. 3.Physical c. A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down. 4.Impressionist d. A comedian says, ‘My Grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. She’s 89 now, and don’t know where she is!’ (2)Will you create similar situations to perform the four types of stand-up comedy? Step 3 Further reading Choose the correct answer: 1.A stand-up comedian _____ while performing. A. enjoys laughing B. enjoys making fun of himself C. usually takes advantage of the audience D. has prepared a lot of jokes in advance 2.Which of the following is the style of prop? A. jokes in everyday life B. visual humour C. body action D. imitation of a well-known person 3.Billy Crystal started his career ____. A. as a television actor B. as a film actor C. as a stand-up comedian D. as a host 4.What does the word ‘routine’ in Para 3 probably mean? A. road B. performance C. lines D. style 5.What does the word ‘improvise’ in Para 4 probably mean? A. perform without permission B. perform without preparation C. act well D. act fast 6.At the 2004 Academy Awards, a very old actor _____ at first. A. was asked to make a silent speech B. didn’t turn on the microphone on purpose C. made the audie ... ...

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