
Unit 2 Unit 2 Exploring English (Starting out & Understanding ideas)课件( 21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:74次 大小:3010091Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。Unit 2 Exploring English -- starting out understanding ideasLanguage is for the exchange of ideas,for communication. 语言是用来交流思想、进行沟通的。单元核心素养:语言能力As British accent makes a speaker sound like a lady or a gentleman,so many people want to learn how to talk like the British. If you want to talk like the British,say “Cheers” rather than “Thanks” in informal(非正式的) conversations.Before I came to the UK,I only knew the meaning of “cheer” as “to make someone happy or excited” as in the phrase “cheer up”.After I came to the UK,I noticed that they used “Cheers” much more often than “Thanks”.For example,in the UK,when people get off the bus,they would say “Cheers” with a strong British accent to thank the driver.话题导入Besides,my British roommate also said “Cheers” to me when she asked me to pass something to her while we were cooking together.“Cheers” is frequently used by the British people in daily informal conversations for small favors,such as opening doors for you or lending you a pen.It is not as formal as “Thanks” or “Thank you”,but is used rather frequently in daily conversations.Chinese students were taught at school that when a customer(顾客) went to a store,shop assistants would ask “What can I do for you?” However,I never heard the exactly same expression when I was in the UK.No shop assistants would greet and follow customers around as in China.Only when customers asked for help or looked lost would shop assistants come up to them and ask “Are you all right?” It seemed like they were going to provide help,but customers would normally say “Yeah,thanks.” unless they really needed help.Interestingly,when I heard “Are you all right?” for the first time,I didn’t know how to answer it and even explained that I was just looking around and I didn’t need help.How embarrassing(令人尴尬的) it was!1.In the UK,“Cheers” has the same meaning as “Thanks” or “Thank you”.( ) 2.When I was in the UK,shop assistants would greet me with “What can I do for you?”.( )FT根据短文判断正(T)、误(F)PART 1读前清障PART 2课文理解Starting out & Understanding ideas—Pre-readingPART 1读前清障1.title      A.举止,行为 2.confusing B.显示,反映 3.shameful C.题目;标题 4.behavior D.令人困惑的 5.reflect E.可耻的,丢脸的匹配左边的单词和右边的汉语意思[第一组]6.seasick A.看得见的,可见的 7.opposing B.晕船的 8.unique C.相反的,对立的 9.creativity D.独一无二的,独特的 10.visible E.创造性,创造力[第二组]11.creative A.大写的 12.capitalized B.雕刻作品,雕像 13.alarm C.想家的 14.homesick D.创造(性)的 15.sculpture E.警报器,闹钟[第三组]PART 2课文理解1.What’s the main idea of the passage? A.English is very easy to learn. B.What we should do to learn English well. C.English is interesting and creative. D.English is widely used all over the world.√Step 1 Fast-reading2.Find out the main idea of each part of the passage. Para.1 A.The reason why English is so complex(复杂). Paras.2-6 B. ... ...

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