
Lesson 2 Our School Is Beautiful. 课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:17次 大小:5619555Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。Lesson 2 Our School Is Beautiful基数词Revision:first secondthird基数词Revision:fourthfifthsixthWork in pairs.the fifth floor the fourth floor the third floor the second floor the first floor the ground floor 一楼 the fifth floor the fourth floor the third floor the second floor the first floorIn BritainIn Americathe sixth floorLet's learn.teaching building 教学楼Where is the teaching building? 教学楼在哪里?It's over there. 在那边。Where在哪里,对地点提问。Let's learn. art room 美术室Where is the art room? 美术室在哪里?It's on the first floor. 在一楼。Let's learn. music room 音乐室Where is the music room? 音乐室在哪里?It's on the second floor. 在二楼。Let's learn. computer room 电脑室Where is the computer room? 电脑室在哪里?It's on the third floor. 在三楼。Let's learn. teachers' office 教师办公室Where is the teachers' office? 教师办公室在哪里?It's on the fourth floor. 在四楼。Let's learn. library 图书馆Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里?It's on the fifth floor. 在五楼。Let's learn. toilet 厕所Where is the toilet? 厕所在哪里?It's on the sixth floor. 在六楼。Let's learn. playground 操场Where is the playground? 操场在哪里?It's over there. 在那边。Complete the sentences.1.The_____is on the ground floor. 2.The_____and the ____ are on the first floor. 3.The ____room and the____room are on the second floor. classroomlibrarytoiletmusicartMe, too.Hi, Ting Ting!Nice to see you again.The school is so beautiful.Yes,we love our school. Let me show you around.It's very kind of youThis is the teaching building.It's a tall building.Where is your classroom?It's on the second floor.Our teachers' office is on the ground floor.Is there the library ?Yes, you're right.Let's talk.Let me show you around.让我带你参观吧。 let后跟动词原形 show.....around带....参观 It's very kind of you你真是太好了。wait a minute=wait a moment等一下 what's wrong?=what's the matter?=what's up?怎么了? borrow ['bɑro]借入 lend [lend] 借出(巧记:借出短,借入长。) schoolin the schoolthe library and borrow some booksYesBecause Sam says“The school is so beautiful” and Ting Ting says”We love our school“.The schooltallthe second the ground floor over there 我们的学校很漂亮,像花园一样。教师办公室在一楼。电脑室和图书馆在二楼。我的教室在五楼。Look and tick.√√Look and tick.√√ Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 1.Birds_____in the_____. 2.____sister is very_____. 3.____not to ____. 4.Some____fell on my____.My_____shy害羞的 Try尝试_____cry fly_____sky pie_____tieflyskyMyshyTrycrypietie

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