
新目标(Go for it)版 广东省韶关市九年级上册英语期末教学目标检测试卷(word版含答案,含听力音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:20553130Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    广东省韶关市九年级上学期英语期末教学目标检测试卷 一、听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图片回答问题,每小题听一遍。 1.What's the date today? A.? ?B.? ?C.? 2.Where is the father working? A.? ?B.? ?C.? 3.What does Li Lei like? A.? ?B.? ?C.? 4.What is the weather like today? A.? ?B.? ?C.? 5.What animals does the boy like best? A.? B.? C.? 二、听对话,根据所听对话的内容和所提的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话听两遍。 6.听第一段对话,回答小题。 How does Tom learn English well? A.?By listening to the radio. B.?By watching English programs C.?By listening to English songs 7.听第二段对话,回答小题。 What did Jack use to be afraid of? A.?Snakes. B.?Dogs. C.?Dark. 8.听第三段对话,回答小题。 Can Kathy go to the movie with friends Oil Wednesday night? A.?No, she can't. B.?Yes, she can. C.?We don't know. 9.听第四段对话,回答小题。 What does the man want to buy? A.?Shirt. ?B.?Trousers. ?C.?Skirt. 10.听第五段对话。回答小题。 Where do you think Kathy might go this winter vacation? A.?Hong Kong. B.?Singapore C.?Sydney. 11.听第六段对话。回答小题。 (1)Where are they now? A.?In China. B.?In Singapore. C.?We don't know. (2)What are they talking about? A.?What to eat. B.?How to eat. C.?Where to stay. 12.听第七段对话。回答小题。 (1)Where does Sarah live now? A.?In London. B.?In England. C.?In blew York. (2)When did Sarah go to London? A.?Last month. B.?Last July. C.?Last June. (3)Why does Sarah like London? A.?Because it's noisy. B.?Because it's beautiful and quiet. C.?Because it's a big city. 三、听短文,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项。短文听两遍。 13.根据所听短文的内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项。 (1)You had better not if you are studying in India. A.?Use your left hand to pass food at table B.?Use your left hand to wash yourself C.?Use your left hand politely (2)In you mean"yes"when you shake your head. A.?India ?B.?Bulgaria(保加利亚) ?C.?Thailand (3)You can easily make a Thailander angry if you . A.?pass food with left hand at table B.?shake your head to him C.?touch his head or crossing your leg while talking to him (4)The speaker thinks one must to know a country well. A.?only learn the language well B.?know its manner's better than its language C.?know both its language and the manner's well (5)You can know from the passage that . A.?different countries have different manners B.?the manner's in Thailand are the same as those in India C.?you should not touch a grown-up's head in Bulgaria 四、听填信息。录音听两遍。 14.你将听到一段关于课堂要求的独自,请根据所听内容用正确的信息完成下面的信息采集表。 The job of the speaker A_____ The first thing that you have to do Write a _____about yourself The third thing to do Read the paper to the_____ Things you can't do Don't _____that will make everyone laugh. The time to get everything ready _____ 五、单选题。 15.—Do you like movie Kung Fu Panda 3? —Yes,it is interesting film.I like it very muc ... ...

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