
Unit4 Shopping Day lesson1 课件+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:7497647Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Shopping Day (1) 人教新起点 五年级上 Let’s sing 视频 Lead in Where are they What are they doing What things do they have Let’s learn exercise book This is my exercise book. Let’s learn a box of crayons I want to buy a box of crayons. Let’s learn pencil sharpener I like this red pencil sharpener. Let’s learn pencil box I want a new pencil box. Let’s learn a pair of scissors Do you have a pair of scissors Let’s learn Please! Sit down, please! What is missing Game time Game time Answer my question ! Watch and learn 视频 Watch and learn I want to buy a . It is yuan. one pencil Watch and learn thirty I want to buy a . It is yuan. schoolbag Drills I want to buy a . It is yuan. ¥10.00 ¥8.00 ¥6.00 ¥2.00 ¥16.00 Read and say Can I help you Yes, please. I want to buy a pencil. This one It’s one yuan. Here you are. Thank you. Read and say Can I help you Yes, please. I want to buy a schoolbag. This one It’s thirty yuan. Here you are. Thank you. 1.Can I help you Let’s learn 走进商店,店员一般会走上来招呼: Can I help you 您要买什么? May I help you 您需要帮助吗? What can I do for you 有什么我可以为你效劳的吗? 2. Yes, please. I want to buy… 顾客的回答:是的,我想买…… 3.It’s one yuan. Let’s learn 用来表达物品的价钱: 物品为单数时,主语用It;物品为复数时,主语用They. We have a pencil, it’s 2 yuan. We have some apples, they are 20 yuan. Let’s role play I want to buy a pencil. It’s 16 yuan. I want to buy an eraser. It’s 2 yuan. Work in pairs Welcome to Xinxin.We have a nice green pencil box. It’s only 20 yuan. We also have… 仅仅,只是 也,还 Let’s write The is 10 yuan. The is 9 yuun. The is 20 yuan. The is 5 yuan. Fill in the blanks according to Part A. Practice 选一选,读一读 ex cise book A.or B.er C.ir 2. pencile sh pener A.ar B.er C.a 3.a pair of s ssors A.ei B.z C.ci 4.a box of cr yons A.a B.o C.au 5.pl se A.ee B.ea C.ie Practice 根据图片,完成句子 1.I want to buy a pencil . It’s yuan. 2.We have a box of . It’s yuan. 3.I want to buy a pair of . It’s yuan. 4.We have a nice pencil . It’s ten yuan. 5.The blue book is one yuan. box sharpener three crayons twelve scissors two exercise Summary 1.词组和单词:exercise book, a pair of scissors a box of crayons, pencil sharpener, pencil box, please, only, also 2.句子:I want to buy…, We have …, It’s…yuan. Homework 将单词和短语抄写五遍 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 Shopping Day第一课时 习题 一、选择正确答案,把序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. cry s A. ou B.on C.en ( )2. sh rp ner A. a, e B.e, a C.o, e ( )3.pl se A. ee B.ea C.ie ( )4. x rcise A.a,e B.e, o C.e, e ( )5. s iss rs A. c, o B.e, o C.o, e 二、根据图片完成句子。 1. I want to buy . It’s yuan. 2. I want to buy . It’s yuan. 3. We also have . It’s yuan. 三 ... ...

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