
公开课Unit6 When was it invented SectionA2d&Grammar Focus(课件+练习+音视频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:73次 大小:50460475Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 When was it invented SectionA2d&Grammar Focus同步练习 一、单选。 1.(2019重庆B卷)27. These machines _____ in their factory by themselves last year. A. make B. made C. are made D. were made 2.(2019湖北黄冈)31. —Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike! —Sorry, Mum. It _____ yesterday. I forgot to do it. A. Didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned 3. (2019 北京) l1. My advice on how to save paper _____ by my class last Monday. A. accepts B. accepted C. was accepted D. is accepted 4. (2019四川南充) 26. —Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class —Paper _____ first _____ about 2,000 years ago in China. A. is; invented B. was; invented C. is; inventing D. was; inventing 5.(2019江西) 35. Gina went to the doctor’s yesterday and she _____ about the importance of good living habits once more. A. told B. is told C. was told D. has told 6.(2019江苏南京) 8. The China International Search and Rescue Team has brought help and hope to people in disasters around the world since it _____ 18 years ago. A. set up B. is set up C. was set up D. will be set up 二、根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 think of, have a point, with pleasure, be used for, see a website 1. Pencils _____ drawing and writing. 2. Who can _____ a good way to remember the English words 3. I _____ this morning. I think it can help you with English. 4. —Could you please clean the room I’m going to cook dinner. —_____. I’ll do it at once. 5. You _____. Computers play an important part in our daily lives. 三、将下列句子改为被动语态。 1. Mr. Green wrote two books last year. _____ 2. She saw them come into the room. _____ 3. Mary bought him some flowers. _____ 4. They looked for that set of keys just now. _____ 5. He brought a radio to school today. _____ 四、根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: What a great museum, Mr. Wang! Look at that object with three legs. (1) _____ B: It’s a cup, Jason. A: A cup How strange! I’ve never seen such a cup. B: Yeah. (2) _____. Now people don’t use it. A: (3) _____ B: Drinking wine. A: (4) _____ B: Metal (金属). A: Oh, I see. Look! There is a teapot (茶壶) in the big bowl. B: That’s not a teapot. It was used for serving wine. And the big bowl was used for keeping the wine warm. A: Wow! (5) _____ B: When the bowl was filled with hot water, the wine would get warm. A: Oh, I see, Mr. Wang. Unit6 When was it invented SectionA2d&Grammar Focus同步练习答案 一、DDCBCC 二、 1. are used for 2. think of 3. saw a website 4. With pleasure 5. have a point 三、1. Two books were written by Mr. Green last year. 2. They were seen to come into the room by her. 3. Some flowers were bought for him by Mary. 4. That set of keys was looked for by them just now. 5. A radio was brought to school by him today. 四、1. What’s it 2. It was used in the old days 3. What was it used for 4. What is it made of 5. How did it / the bowl keep wine warm 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷 ... ...

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