
Unit 1 My future 课件+内嵌素材(3个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:17770847Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 1 Oxford English My future Period 1 Module 1 Getting to know each other Greeting Krystal teacher doctor Warming-up Listen to a song future 将来;未来 in the future 在将来 我的将来 What does he/she do? What does he/she do? _____ teaches children. She is a _____. Mrs Jones teacher What does he/she do? _____ helps people. She is a _____. Miss Green cooks nice food. He is a Miss Yang doctor cook Mr Smith cook 厨师 A cook can cook nice food. A cook can cook … Yummy! steak chicken vegetables soup ? What does he/she do? _____ flies a plane. He is a _____. Mr Wang pilot _____ drives a taxi. She is a _____. Miss Green taxi driver A pilot. A pilot flies a plane. A pilot flies a plane in the sky. This pilot flies a plane to … pilot 飞行员 taxi driver 出租车司机 I want to be a taxi driver. I want to drive around the city. I want to drive to … What do you want to be? Do you like cooking? Do you want to be a cook? Ask and answer Miss Yang doctor teacher Mr Wang taxi driver Mr Smith pilot Miss Green Mrs Jones cook Steps: 1. Prepare some pictures or word cards of different jobs. 2. Find a partner. Steps: 3. Ask in turn. Homework 1. Read the sentences on page 6. 2. Copy the words in Look and learn section eight times in English and four times in Chinese. Homework 3. Make a card of your own information. Name: Things I can do: Things I like doing: My dream job: Krystal I can sing and draw. I like singing. Teacher (课件网) 1 Oxford English Module 1 Getting to know each other My future Period 2 Think and say This is my uncle.He can cook well.He likes cooking.He works in a restaurant.He’s a cook. Think and say This is my mother.She likes Chinese.She works in a school.She’s a Chinese teacher. Think and say What about your friends or relatives? What are they thinking about? What does Kitty want to be? She wants to be a doctor. Peter does. Who wants to fly a plane in the sky? She wants to teach English. He wants to be a cook. What subject does Alice want to teach? What does Joe want to be? Ask and answer Ms Guo and her _____ are in the classroom. The students are talking about what they want to be in the future. Peter is a brave boy. He wants to be a _____ in the future. He wants to _____ his plane to other countries like the US and Canada. Kitty is a kind girl. She wants to be a _____. She wants to _____ sick people in the future. Alice studies hard at school. She wants to be a _____ when she grows up. She wants to _____ English in a school. She likes teaching. Joe likes eating nice food and he is good at cooking. He wants to be a _____ in the future. He wants to _____ nice food in a nice restaurant. What do you want to _____ in the future? Let’s fill in the blanks students pilot fly doctor help teach teacher cook cook be Let’s retell This is…He/She wants to be … He/She wants to … policeman, catch bad people fireman, put out fires and save p ... ...

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