
Module 1 Relationships Unit 2 Our animal friends 课件(37张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:9198080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Module 2 Man’s best friends Our animal friends 《导盲犬小Q》 Animals are man’s good friends. They are very _____(help) to us. Wow! We’re going to talk about animals this time. helpful Brainstorming How do dogs help us hunt animals help blind people guard our homes look for missing people catch thieves look after sheep We are friends! How do dogs help us Match the kinds of dogs in the box with the pictures below. A What do you know about … a guide dog a police dog a rescue dog A What kind of dog is it How do the dog help us a guide dog A guide dog helps lead blind people and barks when there is danger. a rescue dog A rescue dog helps rescue people in danger. a police dog A police dog helps the police catch bad people. B Before you read Look at the title , the pictures and the first sentence, complete the sentences with one or more words . A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire fire engine A guide dog One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel. 1. The name of the blind man is probably _____. 2. Charlie is probably a _____. 3. The word “eyes” belongs to _____in the story. 4. The story is probably about a _____ at a hotel. John Dancer dog fire the dog/ Charlie A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire Fast-reading 2 1 3 4 5 6 Read paragraph 1-3 and answer the following questions. Did the receptionist want to allow Charlie to stay at the hotel Why or why not What was Charlie What did the receptionist do then No, she/he didn’t. Because they don’t allow pets in the hotel. Charlie was a guide dog. The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room. Task 1 Read the last two paragraphs and choose the correct answers. What did John feel after he got into his room A. He was tired and fell asleep quickly. B. He was excited and couldn’t fall asleep. C. He was tired but couldn’t fall asleep. 2. Why did Charlie bark in the evening A. Because it couldn’t fall asleep. B. Because it smelt smoke. C. Because it wanted to go out. 3. Where did the smoke come from A. Through the window. B. From above the door. C. From under the door. A B C Task 2 4. Who helped John stop smoke from coming in A. Charlie B. The receptionist. C. No one. 5. Did the fireman save both John and Charlie at first A. Yes, he did. B. No, he only saved Charlie. C. No, he save only John. 6. What happened at last A. Only John came out of the building. B. Charlie died in the fire. C. John and Charlie were both safe. Read the last two paragraphs and choose the correct answers. A C C Read the text aloud A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel. “Good evening, sir,” said the receptionist. “You’re welcome to stay, but I’m sorry that we don’t allow pets here.” “Charlie isn’t a pet,” said John. “He’s my eyes. I’m blind and I can’t go anywhere by myself.” The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room. John was very tired. ... ...

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