
Module 1 Relationships Unit 1 Relationships in beijing 教案(共16页)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:66次 大小:17055Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津英语7A教案 Module 1 Relationship Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing Tasks in this unit Talking about relatives; starting relationship, where they live and ages, making travel arrangements, planning departure dates and length of holiday; writing about travel plans, means of transport and costs; talking about places of interest in Beijing; reading about timetable; writing a personal letter about holiday plans. Language skills: Listening Listen for specific information Speaking Open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions Reading Scan a text to locate specific information Writing Develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings. Stage One Listening and speaking: Planning a trip to Beijing Language focus Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present e.g., He has invited us to stay with his family in August. Using adjectives to make comparisons e.g., It’s cheaper and more interesting. Teaching procedure Pre-task preparation: Read and answer Mr. Li has got a letter from his brother, Weiming. Read the letter and answer the following questions. Questions Where do Weiming and his family live? They live in Beijing. When would Weiming like to invite them to Beijing? He would like to invite them to Beijing in August. Have Ben and kitty seen their cousins before? No, they haven’t. What do Ben and Kitty’s cousins want to do? They want to take Ben and Kitty to some interesting places in Beijing. Look and learn What’s this? invitation Why do people use invitations? invite Compare three tickets Expensive -- more expensive Cheap -- cheaper Teach the new words Travel agent brochure While-task procedure: Listen and say Listen to the text and read after the tape Soft reading Look, read and answer Kitty is asking Ben some questions about photograph. Post-task activity: Think and talk Let’s travel to Beijing by train. No, let’s travel by plane. Discuss in groups. Think about how the Li family will travel to Beijing and give your reasons. Listen and choose Listen to the tape and choose the best route. Consolidation: ?Workbook 7A, pages 1 and 3 本课时教学内容为学习Ben一家计划去北京叔叔家做客旅行的对话,需掌握生词有:agent, invite? invitation, brochure等,其中巩固到语法有形容词的比较级,需教授新语法是现在完成时结构。语言操练用wh-,h-等特殊疑问词引起的特殊疑问句来询问信息进行问答练习。基本完成课时计划。 Stage Two Listening and speaking: Planning a trip to Beijing Language focus Using modal verbs to express preferences e.g., Yes, we’d like to travel to Beijing by plane. Asking How questions to find out the length of a period of time e.g., How long does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane? Asking How questions to find out prices E.g., How much does it cost? Using adjectives to describe objects e.g., That’s expensive. Teaching procedure Pre-task preparation: Read and write Kitty is telling Mr. Hu about their trip plan to Beijing. Can you complete what she says? Think and say Sally has been to Thaila ... ...

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