
Unit 4 We love animals PA Let’s talk (公开课)优质课件+教案+练习+动画素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:61264866Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 We love animals PA Let's talk 同步练习 口语训练 根据课文内容补全对话并大声朗读2遍。 Wu Yifan: _____ this Mike: It's a _____. Wu Yifan: _____ this Mike: It's a _____. Wu Yifan: _____ this Mike: Oh, no._____. Wu Yifan&Mike: Oh, it's _____. 你会手影吗? 看看他们是怎么做的, 然后模仿让你的同桌猜猜看吧! 例如: -_____ this -It's a _____. 笔试训练 问答配伍。 ( ) 1. What's this A. I'm Sarah. ( ) 2. What's your name B. Good idea. ( ) 3. How are you. C. It's a cat. ( ) 4. Let 's make a puppet. D. Bye ( ) 5. Goodbye. E. I'm fine, thank you. 选择题 ( )1. -What's this -_____ a pen. It B. It's ( )2. Quack, quack, what's this It's _____. a duck. B. a pig. ( )3. Woof, woof, what's this It's _____. a cat. B. a dog. ( )4. -It's _____. A. a bear B. a duck ( )5. 你想问这是什么, 你会说:_____ A. What's your name B. What's this 按要求句子。 this, is, What, (.)连词成句 _____. bear, It, a, is, ( ) 连词成句 _____. 这是一只狗。( 翻译句子) _____. 这是一只猪。 (翻译句子) _____. 哦, 这是Zoom. (翻译句子) _____. 在四线格上抄写下列句子。 What's this It's a duck. 参考答案 口语训练, 一,略 二,略 笔试训练 三,CAEBD 四,BABBB 五, 1.What is this 2.It is a cat. 3.It's a dog. 4.It's a pig. 5.Oh, it's Zoom. 六, 略 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(课件网) Unit 4 We love animals PA Let's talk 人教PEP 三年级上册 Let's sing Game time Are you ready Play a game What's this It's a _____. What are they doing 他们在做什么? Lead in Who are they 他们是谁? This is Wu Yifan. This is Mike. Presentation What's this Listen and imitate It's a duck. What's this It's a dog. Listen and imitate What's this Oh, no. It's a bear. Oh, it's Zoom. Language point What's this 这是一个特殊疑问句.如果问别人“这是什么东西 ” 回答时要用“It's...”.it可根据不同的句子译成“这 / 那 / 它”, 有时也可不译。 例如: -What's this 这是什么? -It's a pen. 是一支钢笔。 Good to know 手影 民间传统儿童游戏。手影游戏十分简便,且历史悠久。《都城纪胜》记杭州瓦舍众伎“杂手艺”中就有“手影戏”一项。手影戏不要复杂设备,只要一烛或一灯,甚至一轮明月,就可以展开巧思,通过手势的变化,创造出种种物的形象,因手影主要作给儿童看,儿童喜爱动物,于是兔子、狗、猫等等就成了手影主要表现对象。“像不像,三分样”。通过形似的手影游戏,可以启发儿童的联想思维。手影,投射源与被投射源的关系,仅一灯一布.发展到现在,与幻灯机、投影仪结合。用十指灵动,演艺天上飞、地上跑、水里游。 现在让我们来一起做一些手影吧! Presentation It's a ____. What's this pig cat duck dog bear _____ this Listen and imitate It's a _____. _____ It's a ____. What's duck What's this dog Listen and imitate _____ Oh, no. It's a _____. Oh, it's _____. What's this bear Zoom pair work 1. 3人一组合作朗读。 2. 分角色表演对话。 3.情景展示表演。 Show time Ask and answer Pair work: 同桌之间一边做手影一边对话哦! What's this It's a ____. Practice 默契大考验 1. 老师课前准备一些单词卡, 比如d ... ...

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