
Unit5 Let's celebrate! Period 3 Grammar (课件+教案+同步练习)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:87次 大小:4347818Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津译林版 七上 Unit 5 Period 3习题 一、选择填空 ( )1. ____ does your cousin do? He is a worker. A. Where  B. What  C. How  D. Which ( )2. I’m going to Zhenjiang ____ Monday morning. A. at  B. in  C. on  D. of ( )3. Jim will ____ to the cinema. A. going  B. goes  C. go  D. to go ( )4. Thank you ____ me. A. for help  B. for helping  C. at helping  D. to help ( )5. If you want some one to lend you his bike. What would you say to him? A. Do you have a bike?   B. Where is your bike? C. May I borrow your bike?   D. You can lend me your bike. 二、词形变换 1. They celebrate the festival by ____ (give) presents and cards. 2. Let him ____ (clean) the blackboard today. 3. I will go to the park if it ____ (not rain) tomorrow. 4. Thanks a lot for ____ (give) us so many candies. 5. What are they looking forward to ____ (do)? 三、单词拼写 1. The policeman opens the bag but he finds nothing ____ (里面). 2. It’s so cold here in winter and old people need ____ (特殊的) care (照顾). 3. On Saturday evening, our family usually get ____ (在一起) and have a big dinner. 4. If you are friendly (友好的) to the people (在…周围) you, you’ll make many friends. 5. I think there are too many ____(秀) on TV nowadays. 四、阅读理解 Peter?was?a?small?boy.?He?lived?with?his?parents?in?a?small?house?near?some?hills.?The?people?there?were?all?poor.? One?night?it?was?very?dry?and?windy. When?everybody?was?asleep,?Peter?suddenly?heard?some?noise.?It?came?out?from?the?kitchen?(厨房).?He?got?up?and?walked?to?the?kitchen.?He?found?that?the?wood?beside?the?stove?(火炉)?was?burning?.?There?was?no?water?tap?(水龙头)?in?the?house?,?so?he?could?not?put?out?(扑灭)?the?fire?.?He?shouted?loudly?to?wake?up?everyone?in?the?house.?Then?he?ran?out?of?his?house?and?knocked?on?the?doors?of?many?houses?to?wake?the?people?up.?They?all?left?their?houses?quickly.? At?last?the?fire?was?put?out?by?the?firemen.?Many?houses?were?burnt.?But?nobody?was?burnt?in?the?fire.? 1.Peter?lived?with?his_____. A.sisters???B.brothers C.uncles???D.parents? 2.One?night?he?found?that_____?beside?the?stove?was?burning. A.the?table???B.the?wood???C.the?door???D.the?window? 3._____,?so?he?could?not?put?out?the?fire. ?? A.Everybody?was?asleep??? B.He?couldn't?shout?loudly??? C.The?kitchen?was?very?big? ?? D.there?was?no?water?tap?in?the?house? 4.Peter?knocked?on?the?doors?of?many?houses_____. A.to?wake?the?people?up???B.to?get?some?water??? C.to?find?his?classmates???D.to?visit?them? 5._____hurt?in?the?fire. A.People?in?other?houses?were???B.Peter's?parents?were??? C.Nobody?was???D.Peter?was 参考答案 一、选择填空 BCCBC 二、词形变换 1. giving 2. clean 3. doesn’t rain 4. giving 5. doing 三、单词拼写 1. inside 2. special 3. together 4. around 5. shows 四、阅读理解 1-5: DBDAC 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com/" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) ( ~~ 您好,已阅读到文档的结尾了 ~~