
北师大版高一必修一Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 3 Sports Stars基础精讲(有答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:18次 大小:43792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2 Heroes 【Lesson 3 Sports Stars】 【重难点突破】 【重点词汇】 1、skilful (skillful) adj. (1)灵巧的,熱练的; (2)有技巧的 ◆教材原句 positive: brilliant, fast, skilful.. 积极的:卓越的、迅速的、灵巧的..... ◆要点必记 skill n. (技巧;技能) skilful(skilful) adj. 有技巧的 be skilful at (doing) sth. 擅长(做)某事 skilfully(skillfully) adv.熟练地 单句填空 She is skilful fighting for equal rights. Jack is a brilliant player. He is very smart and (skill). Alex and Andy performed (skill) and they won first prize. Jane is highly skilled at (deal) with difficult customers. [答案]①at ②skilful/killful ③skilfully/skillfully ④dealing 2、useless adj. (1)差劲的; (2)无用的 ◆教材原句 negative : awful, boring... useless , weak 消极的: 糟糕的、无聊的.....无用的、弱的 ◆要点必记 做某事是没有用的。 It's useless doing sth./It's useless to do sth. It is no use doing sth. (2)use n.用法,用处 (3)useful adj.有用的 (4)useless adj.无用的 ◆补充 -less表示“无,缺,没有”。 careless粗心的 hopeless无希望的 homeless无家可归的 helpless无助的 单句填空 Don't spend your time on these (use )documents. It is useless (try) to persuade him to give up smoking. It is no use (complain) and get down to your work. The website is filled with (use) information,so I advise you to close it. (答案]①useless ②trying/to try ③complaining ④useless unusual adj.不平常的; 与众不同的; 别致的 ◆教材原句 Why are the sisters unusually? 为什么这对姐妹是与众不同的? ◆要点必记 usual adj.平常的 as usual像往常一样 usually adv.通常,平常 ◆归纳拓展 否定形容词前缀un: unhappy 不开心的 uncomfortable不舒服的 unfriendly不友好的 unlucky不幸的 单句填空 ①It is not (usual) for me to see the crowded tube. ② usual, the generous gentleman gave a lot of new books to this school. ③He (usual) goes to work by tube but he took a taxi today. ④As to the astronaut, it was experience.(一次不同寻常的经历)。 ⑥The old gentleman waved to me (像往常一样) when I passed by. [答案]①unusual ②As ③usually ④an unusual ⑤as usual strict adj. 严格的,严厉的 ◆教材原句 He has always been very strict with his daughters, training them hard to compete against each other. 他总是对他的女儿们严格要求,努力训练她们,要她们相互竞争。 ◆要点必记 be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 be strict about sth.对某事要求严格 ◆词语积累 strictly adv.严格地,严厉地 strictly speaking严格来说 单句填空 As monitor of our class, you must (对......严格) yourself. His father was very strict him and he had never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade. ( strict ) speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story. [答案]1 be strict with 2 with, until 3 Strictly 5、compete vi.比赛 竞争 ◆单词积累 competitor.竞争者,对手 competition. 比赛,竟争 competitive adj.有竞争力的,好竞争的 ◆要点必记 compete with/against .与...竞争 compete for为争取....而.竞争 compete in ......面竟争 compete to do sth.竞争做某事. 单句填空 Charles felt it was useless to compete others. In my opinion, you are supposed to compere the post. He finally got a chance to compete ... ...

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