
Unit 5 There is a big bed PA Let’s learn / Let’s play 课件(33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:16次 大小:4631969Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。 A . Let’s learn / Let’s play Unit 5 There is a big bed比一比:看谁学得快第一轮pumpkin houseplant 植物Plant, plant, there is a plant .Clock, clock, there is a clock .photo照片Photo, photo, there is a photo .water bottle水杯Water bottle, water bottle, there is a water bottle . bike 自行车 Bike, bike, there is a bike. Do you know what Zhang Peng’s room like ?比一比:看谁读得准第二轮clockwater bottleplantbikephotobikeWhat’s missing?比一比:看谁记得快第三轮看中文,说英文,看谁说的快!水杯植物照片自行车钟比一比:看谁写得好第四轮自行车植物照片钟水杯bikeplantphotoclockwater bottle比一比:看谁说得好第五轮每组第一个人说出一句简单的运用there be句型的句子,然后其它两人按顺序逐渐增加物品名称,说得流利并说对的小组进行加分。开心一刻:The first egg一、火眼金睛选不同。 ( )1.A.clock B.room C.bike ( )2.A.bathroom B.kitchen C.classroomThe second egg给它起名字 A. picture B.photoThe third egg (连词成句) my is clock There a room in (.)The fourth egg 恭喜你,你是今天的幸运星! The fifth egg 选择 ( )There ___a water bottle in my room. A. is B. are C. am D. beThe sixth egg There is a big bed in my room. (翻译)The seventh egg植物 pl__n__ 钟表 cl__c__The eighth egg自行车 b___k___ 照片 ph__t___ Room is our bay.房间是我们的港湾。 Please love it! 请爱护。 Keep it clean and tidy!保持干净整洁。 This is my _____. There is a _____ (闹钟), a _____ (照片) and a _____ (水杯) . I can see a _____ (植物) and a_____ (自行车), too. I like my room very much. It’s so _____ (漂亮的) .小 习 作Write about my room (介绍自己的房间) Goodbye !

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