
Unit 4 What do you collect? 单元测试(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:20次 大小:19164Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 What do you collect? 一、选择题 1.My parents love football games. collect football pictures.(  ) A.They B.He C.She 2.﹣ What's this?(  ) ﹣ It's _____ sticker. a B.an C.this 3.Mike _____ coins.(  ) A.don't collect B.doesn't collects C.doesn't collect 4.﹣ What's this?(  ) ﹣ It's _____ autograph. a B.an C.this 5.Stop _____.(  ) A.cry B.cries C.crying 6.Ben _____ toy cars.(  ) A.collect B.collects. C.collecting 7.﹣ Do you collect stickers?(  ) ﹣ No, I _____. am B.do C.don't 8.﹣ _____ do you collect?(  ) ﹣ I collect stamps. How many B.What C.How much 9.Peter likes _____ pictures of horses.(  ) A.collecting B.collects C.collect 10.Sue ____ collecting stamps.(  ) A.like B.likes C.liking 11.﹣ How many have you got?(  ) ﹣ I have got _____. stamps B.fifty C.autographs 12.﹣ What are these?(  ) ﹣ They are _____. postcard B.a postcard C.postcards 13.Sandra collects comics ____ postcards(  ) A.or B.of. C.and 14.I _____ autographs.(  ) A.don't collect B.doesn't collects C.doesn't collect 二、填空题 1.that's(完全形式)   . 2.a(近义词)   . 3.what's(完全形式)   . 4.lots of(近义词)   . 5.they're(完全形式)   . 6.does(否定形式)   . 7.do(否定形式)   . 8.comic(复数)   . 9.collect(第三人称单数形式)   . 10.What do you collect?翻译句子    . 三、按要求做题 1.This is a picture.(就划线部分提问)                         . 2.I have got nine hundred.(就划线部分提问)                         . 3.I collect stamps.(翻译句子)                         . 答案 选择题 A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 二、填空题 1.that is  2.an  3.what's  4.many  5.they are  6.doesn't  7.don't  8.comics  9.collects  10.你收集些什么东西啊?  三、按要求做题 1.What's this?  2.How many have you got?  3.我收集邮票. 

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