
Unit 5 Free time 单元测试(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:49次 大小:243847Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Free time 一、选择题 1.___ I have an ice cream?(  ) A.Are B.Do C.What D.May 2.p__ __ ch(  ) A.ae B.au C.ea 3.I ____ to buy a book.(  ) A.likes B.do C.is going D.am going 4.选择不同类的一项(  ) A.borrow B.watch C.hall D.call 5.Come back.(  ) A.打电话 B.借书 C.出发 D.回来 6.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项(  ) A.skating B.sing C.camping 7.Thank you. _____. (  ) A.Here you are. B.Thank you C.You're welcome. 8._____ there two teachers' offices in your school? No, there _____.(  ) A.Are, are B.Is, isn't C.Are, aren't 9.﹣﹣﹣ _____you going to the park? ﹣﹣﹣ Yes, I am.(  ) A.Is B.Are C.Am 10.(  ) A.go to the zoo B.listen to a song C.go to the park D.borrow a book 11.﹣_____ do you go skating? ﹣Twice a week.(  ) How B.When C.How often 12.You_____ the winner.(  ) A.am B.is C.are 13.What are you going to do tomorrow?(  ) A.你明天将要做什么? B.你明天将要去哪里? 14.你迷路时,你应对警察说_____(  ) A.I'm lost B.I don't know 15.I play the violin every day.(  ) A.我每天都弹钢琴 B.我每天都拉小提琴 16.How often do you go skating?(  ) A.你多久去滑冰一次? B.你多久没去滑冰了? 17.司机告诉你,这辆车不是去大昌超市的,他这样说:_____(  ) A.This bus is going to the D.C market. B.This bus isn't going to the D.C. market. C.This bus don't going to the D.C. market. 18.In our class there are 45 _____.(  ) A.a pupil B.pupils C.pupil 19.Let _____ go to the park.(  ) A.we B.our C.us 20.Can you _____?(  ) A.draws B.drawing C.draw 二、填空题 1. ﹣    ﹣I washed the dishes. 2.I can play the piano.   翻译句子 3.There's a    in our school. A.    B.    C.    4..写出可以替换下列画线部分的单词I like   . A.    B.    C.    5. ﹣    ﹣Yes, I studied on Sunday. 6.我打算给他寄些中国邮票.    翻译句子 7.根据汉语意思,补全下列单词. (1). ho   ey (曲棍球) (2). m   se (驼鹿) (3). beav    (海狸) (4). ra   c   n (浣熊) (5). s   e   al (特殊,特别) 8.看图片写短语 (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)    (5)   (6)   (7)   (8)    9.选词填空 supermarket,hospital, restaurant, bank, beach, are (1)I have no money(钱). I'm going to the    to get some. (2)We are hungry(饿的). Let's go to the   ,OK? (3)It's very hot. Tony and Tom    going to the   to swim. (4)My mother doesn't feel well(不舒服). He is going to the   . (5)We need some fish for lunch. We are going to the   to buy some. 10.选词填空. What When How Who Which (1)    park will Ted go on Friday? (2)    are you going to do this Friday? (3)    was your last Friday? (4)    did you go to the park? (5)    is your favorite teacher? 三、判断题 Hi, I am Tom. I have a good friend. His name is Jimmy. He has a sister. She's only (只有)five. We often play badminton on Sunday. I have ... ...

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