
Unit 2 My week PB Let’s learn 课件 (共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:17次 大小:12694068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 2 My weekPartB Let's learn & Group work 五年级 上册教学目标 1、能够听说读写单词及动词词组: wash--wash my clothes , watch--watch TV , do--do homework , read--read books , play--play football 2、能够在真实情景中运用句型: Do you often … on … ?并作答。 What do you often do on … ? I often …. 3、学会合理安排时间。 Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday . Days for school, and days for fun. Happy days for everyone. 第一关 快速问答 温馨提示:这关有一个锦囊哦! Q1: How many days are there in a week? Seven. Q2: What day is it today? It’ Thursday. Q3: Do you often have…on …s? Yes, I do. Q4: Do you go to school on the weekend? No, I don’t.Miss Chen’ weekend 老师们周末不用上班,那Miss Chen 是怎么安排她的周末的呢,我们一起看看吧!GO!make a cakedo sportshelp other people 帮助别人read books 在老师/同学手中分别有五张词卡,猜猜卡片内容是什么? 每一组员猜对一个获得一颗 ,最多可获得五颗 Do you often … on the weekend ? Yes , I do. No , I don’t. magic? guesser 下面咱们来玩个游戏, 当老师说出一个词, 小组合作快速找到它的朋友并举起, 最快一组全组站起来读出该词组为赢。找 朋 友滚雪球小组合作,以I开头, 根据图片内容,每人 增加一词,直到组成 一个有意义的句子!第二关Group workYou need to finish two tasks. 1、Read the phrases loudly. 2、Number and fill in the blanks.wash my clothes watch TV draw pictures do homework play football read books clean my room play the pipaI often_____ on the weekend.I often_____._____.第三关,啦啦啦!我是小小演说家Hello, I am _____. I often _____ on _____!

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