
Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Story time)课件(28张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:3852089Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Unit 1 The king’s new clothes Story time thessecloeLook at the clothes!(beautiful/ light/ smart/ nice/ pretty/ soft)Enjoy the picturesLook and learnLook at the clothes!They are … (beautiful/ light/ smart/ nice/ pretty/ soft)beautifulLook and learnLook at the clothes!They are … (beautiful/ light/ smart/ nice/ pretty/ soft)soft and lightclothesSoft and light, soft and light. Beautiful clothes I like to wear(穿)!Let’s chant!Look and learn(beautiful/ cool/ smart/ new)Look at the clothes!1 :I’m very rich. I like new clothes very much. Who can make new clothes for me?:My King, we can make new clothes for you. :Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. :That’s good. Make some clothes for me.2:My King, please put on the clothes. Are they soft? : Are they light? : Oh yes. They’re very soft and light. 3:Look at the king’s new clothes. :They’re beautiful! :Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes!The King’s New ClothesWritten in 1837The King’s New Clothes (丹麦)安徒生 著175yrs 1 : I’m very rich. I like new clothes very much. Who can make new clothes for me?He likes…What does he like?2clever /e/聪明的 people /i:/ 人们 foolish 愚蠢的: My King, we can make new clothes for you. : Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. : That’s good. Make some clothes for me.Listen, read and answerWho can make clothes for the king?Read it well! (有感情地朗读)Learn the new words (学习新词) 3Read it well! (有感情地朗读)Read and answer : My King, please put on the clothes. Are they soft? : Are they light? : Oh yes. They’re very soft and light. The king wants to show his new clothes in the street.: Look at the king’s new clothes. : They’re beautiful! :Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes!: Look at the king’s new clothes. : They’re beautiful!: Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes!Mini Theatre (迷你剧院)cheating 欺骗foolishhonestrich foolishTalk about them! (谈人物) Act the story(小组表演) Five people a group. (五人一个小组) 2. Read well. (有感情的朗读) (脱稿) 3. Do the gestures. (加上动作表情能够加分哦!) The King’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen (丹麦)安徒生 著 I’m very rich. I like new clothes very much. Who can make new clothes for me? My King, we can make new clothes for you. Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. That’s good. Make some clothes for me. My King, please put on the clothes. Are they soft? Are they light? Oh yes. They’re very soft and light. Look at the king’s new clothes. They’re beautiful! Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes! S1: S2: S3: S1: S2: S3: S1: S4: S5: Show Time (表演秀) Five people a group. (五人一个小组) 2. Read well. (有感情的朗读) (脱稿) 3. Do the gestures. (加上动作表情能够加分哦!)TFFTFnew clotheshappyseelittle boyBe honest! 做诚实的你 Be yourself! 做真实的你Deep thinking! (深度思考)HomeworkDesign an ending.(用1-2句话续编故事) 2.Read more English stories from Internet or bookshops. ... ...

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