
2020版中考英语一轮教材复习外研版(安徽专用)课件 七年级(下册)(53+30+28+25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:78次 大小:3093885Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件30张PPT。中考英语2020第一部分 考点知识过关第五讲 七年级(下) Modules 5—6CONTENTS目 录PART 01 真题帮PART 01 真题帮命题点安徽历年中考真题回顾 1.[2015安徽,92]When swimming, you should put s_____(安全)first. 2.[2010安徽,96]Do you think this kind of water is s_____(安全的) for drinking? afetyafe命题点2019全国中考真题优选1.[2019无锡]Let's take a walk _____ the river after dinner, shall we? A. along B. through C. upon D. over 2.[2019盐城]The number of the people using Huawei _____ is getting larger and larger. A. cultures B. customers C. products D. histories 3.[2019河南]—Shall I help you _____ the street, Grandpa? —No, thanks. I can manage it myself. A. on B. with C. across D. alongACCPART 02 考点帮考点1try的用法 语境拓展 Humans should stop killing off certain endangered wild animals and try hard to help save them.人类应该停止猎杀某些濒危野生动物,并努力帮助拯救它们。[2017临沂中考] ?作动词,意为"尝试;努力",其后常接名词、代词、动名词或不定式。 I tried everything to lose weight with no success. 我试了各种方法减肥,但都没有成功。 She was trying not to cry. 她强忍住不哭出来。 考点2考点3考点4考点1try的用法?作动词,意为"试用,试一下"。 Would you like to try some coffee? 你要不要来些咖啡尝尝? If I'm going out for a meal, I prefer to try something different. 如果我到外面吃饭,我喜欢尝试不一样的东西。 ?作名词,意为"尝试"。 Let me have a try at it. 让我来试试看。 I don't think I'll be good at tennis, but I'll give it a try. 我不认为我有打网球的特长,但是我会试一试。考点2考点3考点4考点1try的用法考点2考点3考点4妙辨异同try to do sth./try doing sth.考点1try的用法考点2考点3考点4They are trying to solve this problem.他们正在努力解决这个问题。 Tom is trying solving this problem in this way.汤姆正在尝试用这种方法解决这个问题。妙辨异同考点1try的用法考点2考点3考点4提分速记tryto do sth. "尽力做某事" doing sth. "尝试做某事" one’s best to do sth. "尽某人最大努力做某事" on "试穿" out "试验"考点1try的用法考点2考点3考点4好题在线1.Many people still try _____ Qomolangma every year though it is very dangerous. A. climbs B. climbed C. to climb D. climb 2.I hear there is a new restaurant in our neighborhood. Let's go and _____ it. A. smell B. help C. choose D. try CD考点1try的用法考点2考点3考点4好题在线3.When we read a book, we should ask ourselves questions and try _____ answers. A. find B. to find C. to finding D. found 4.We should learn how to face failure bravely and _____to deal with it. A. afford B. refuse C. choose D. try BDcompare的用法考点2考点3考点4语境拓展 It is interesting to compare their situation with ours.把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。考点1compare的用法考点2考点3考点4考点1I've had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared with/to yours. 我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来就算不上什么了。 We carefully compared the first report with the second. 我们仔细地比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。 We compare books to friends. 我们把书籍比作朋友。 compare的用法考点2考点3考点4考点1【图解助记】compare ...with/to... 把……与……比较compare...to... 把……比作……compare的 ... ...

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