
Unit 6 In a nature park PA let’s learn 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:3839876Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件34张PPT。 Unit 6 In A Nature Park Part A let’s learnPark, park, go to the park. Forest, forest, there is a forest. Lake, lake, there is a lake. River, river, there is a river. Boat, boat, there is a boat. Let’s go boating, let’s go boating. Let's chantIs there a lake in the nature park?Yes, there is.Is there a river in the nature park?Yes, there is.Is there a house in the park?No, there isn’t.Is there a boat in the river?Yes, there is.New wordsmountainhill pathcloudgrassgrasslakeriverhillforestskynature parkcloudforestpathmountainmountainLet’s review-- sharp eyeslet's play a gamePay attention to the shape of my mouth, and guess what I say.Can you read them?Let’s play games.What’s missing?What’s missing?Let’s play games.The keyLet’s play games.What’s missing?Let’s play games.What’s missing?Let’s play games.The keyLet’s play games.What’s missing?Let’s play games.What’s missing?Let’s play games.The keyLet’s play games.What’s missing?Let's play games.What’s missing?The key.What’s missing?What’s missing?What’s missing?Exercise in the book. P59 Draw and ask. Draw a nature park. Then talk about it with your partner.Talk about the nature park you have drawn. A: Is there a river in front of the mountain? B: Yes, there is. A: Is there a … B: No, there isn’t. There are many mountains in China. Yellow MountainTai MountainHua MountainWuyi MountainGoodbye!!!

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