
9上 Unit2 ColourTask(39张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:3332090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件39张PPT。Unit 2 ColoursTask Colours and moods发现颜色的力量 从事颜色疗法 承诺退钱给你 给不同的人建议不同的颜色 感觉有压力 青少年节目 改善你的生活 宁愿穿牛仔裤discover the power of colourspractise colour therapypromise to get your money backsuggest different colours to different peoplefeel stressedthe Teens Showimprove your lifewould rather wear jeans = =prefer to wear jeansprefer jeans 1.I’m very _____ ( sleep ). I want to go to bed. 2.I feel calm in the room because the walls _____( paint ) blue. 3.What made you _____ ( think ) so? 4.Most people prefer going out to _____ ( stay ) at home on Sundays. 5.She has difficulty _____ ( speak ) English. 6.We should have a _____ ( power ) body. 7.The music made me _____ ( relax ). sleepystayingspeakingpowerfulare paintedrelaxed用所给词的正确形式填空:think8.Does blue represent _____ ( sad )? 9.Amy passed the exam and she felt _____ ( joy ). 10.All of us think Daniel is a boy of _____ ( wise ). 11.They have some _____ ( 困难) _____ ( 做出) a _____( 决定). 12.What does a star _____ ( 代表) on this map? joyfulwisdomdifficultymakingdecisionrepresentsadnesscolourscalm colourswarm coloursenergetic coloursstrong coloursmoods?blue calm and sadness (平静和悲伤)white calm and peace (平静和安宁)calm colourswarm coloursorange joy and warmth (快乐和温暖)yellow wisdom and success (智慧和成功)energetic coloursgreen energy and nature (活力和自然)strong coloursred power and strength (权利和力量)blackpower and trust (权利和信任)Match the colours with what they represent:1. black 2. blue 3. green 4. orange 5. red 6. white 7. yellow calm and peace power and trust wisdom and success power and strength energy and nature calm and sadness joy and warmthMake sentences like this: Black represents power and trust. My favourite colour Our world is f____of colours. Different people like different colours. I like two colours best. They are red and white. I like wearing white clothes because I often feel s_____. They can help me c_____ down and feel r_____. Sometimes I am lively, so I like wearing red clothes to do sports. They can give me strength and make me p_____.be Red and white are a good match. They can help me when I have d_____ making decisions. Colours help us a lot. They can change our moods and improve our life.ulltressedalmelaxedowerfulifficulty首字母填空:Look at the picture in part A carefully then answer some questions.1.How many people can you see in the picture? 2.Where is the woman ? 3.What is the woman wearing ? 4.Does she look happy? 5.Do you like what she is wearing? Why?OneOn the bridge near a river.A red dress and a pair of white shoes.Yes.Yes/No.Part A: Millie is doing her project on the relationship between pople's moods and the colours they choose to wear.Help Millie complete part of her report with the table on page 32. Colors and what they represent Millie The woman in this picture is wearing a _____ dress and a pair of _____ shoes. She is carrying a white handbag too. This is interesting ... ...

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