
Unit 2 Travelling 基础知识训练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:94次 大小:1210880Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 8BUnit 2 Travelling基础知识训练 一、词汇运用1 1. The car has a top_____(速度) of 60 miles per hour. 2. The _____(直达的) flight from Yangzhou and Taizhou to Korea was opened on April 8,2016. 3. All children wish to have _____(魔法) to do something beyond their abilities. 4. The _____(馅饼) tastes nice. May I have some more? 5. We have to some _____(室内的) activities because of the heavy rain. 6. The most important is to enjoy _____( we) when travelling. 7. Long after the basketball match, all the boys were still _____(exciting). 8.His family have been to Paris_____(two). 9. They have taken a lot of _____(photo) in front of the Little Mermaid. 10. The poor dog has been _____(die) for two days. 11. It’s very exciting to go _____(帆船运动)in the hot summer in Hawaii. 12. We can enjoy the _____(景色)of the whole city from the mountains. 13. I find it difficult to tell the main _____(要点) of the articles while doing Chinese reading. 14. The visitors are enjoying the _____(美丽)of Tianmu Lake. 15. I see no light and hear no sound _____(除--之外) the wind far away. 16. How long does it take to have a direct _____(fly) to Chengdu from Wuxi? 17. The trip was really _____(excite). We all had a fantastic time. 18. One of his _____(relative) lives in Canada. 19. I know you are in Hainan now. Hope you’ll enjoy_____(you) there! 20. The company has done_____(busy) with many countries. 二、词汇运用2 1. It’s about 15 minutes’ bus _____(短途旅行) from here to the city centre. 2. Would you please give me more _____(细节) about the accident? 3. Helen is _____(这样的) a nice girl that we all like her very much. 4. There are many _____(山) in Shandong. They are high and dangerous. 5. One of my favourite _____(卡通) characters is Snoopy. 6. Where do you plan to go _____(travel) during the coming holiday? 7. It’s a really _____(fantastically) place to visit. 8. I said angrily to my brother, “ It’s none of your _____(busy).” 9. Would you like to join the _____(sail) Club? 10. There are fewer places of natural _____(beautiful) because of pollution. 三、动词填空1 1. It’s a long time since we _____(meet) last time, isn’t it? 2. There_____(be) few students playing in the playground because of the coming exam, will there? 3. Is it possible for our team _____(win) the game in the next three minutes? 4. I’m afraid you _____(lose) the key, haven’t you? 5. --Why didn’t she stop him going out? --Sorry, but she _____(write) a letter and didn’t notice him go out. 6. Many changes _____(take) place in Moonlight Town over the years. 7. How did you know that light _____(travel) faster than sound? 8. Amy says that she _____(come) back in three days. 9. Let’s _____(go) to South Hill for our holiday, shall we? 10. Lucy is busy _____(get) all her things. 11. Shall we invite Amy _____(climb) the hill tomorrow? 12. You’d better _____(check) that you’ve locked the door. 13. The Class1, Grade 8 students _____(plan) their trips to different places ... ...

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