
Unit 5 There is a big bed Part A Let’s spell 课件+教案+同步习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:72次 大小:81674196Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit5 There is a big bed 人教版PEP小学英语五年级上 PartA Let's spell Sing a song Sing a song clock beside above behind in front of plant between Magic eyes Free talk A:Where is ... B:It's ... Enjoy song Let's spell Let's spell It's rainy. What's the weather What's this This is rainbow. rainy /re n / raibow /re b / Let's spell rainy /re n / raibow /re b / Let's spell He can paint. What can he do What's he do He is wait the bus. paint /pe nt/ wait /we t/ Let's spell paint /pe nt/ wait /we t/ Let's spell He is saying. What's he doing What's this I can see some food. say /se / way /we / Let's spell say /se / way /we / Let's spell What day is it today Today is Monday birthday /'b θde / Monday /'m nde / Today is birthday Let's spell birthday /'b θde / Monday /'m nde / Find What do you find Sharp eyes. ai /e / rainy paint 画画 rainbow 等待 wait Find What do you find say birthday way Monday Sharp eyes. /e / -ay Fast reaction way Monday today say -ay birthday -ay day /ei/ Follow the tape Read all together Exercise Listen,read and circle. Look,listen and write. Exercise a y p 付款 b 海湾 d 一天 m 可能 l 躺下 r 光线 pl 玩 Exercise Read and quickly Exercise n ai r 雨 主要地 m 获得 g 支付 p l 躺 火车 tr 西班牙 Sp d l 安排 m 少女 p 支付 t 等待 w 事实 f l 牛奶 l 钉子 n 尾巴 t r 铁轨 f 失败 j 监狱 蜗牛 sn Homework Homework 1. Read p.50. Repeat after the CD 5 times.(跟着CD朗读书本p50五遍) 2. Play letter games with your friends.(和朋友们一起玩一玩ai,ay的拆音和拼音游戏) 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教pep版五年级上册Unit5There is a big bed教学设计 课题 A let’s spell 单元 Unit5 There is a big bed 学科 English 年级 五上 学习目标 呈现了ai/ay在单词中的发音规则;通过听力活动帮助学生进一步感知并强化ai/ay的对应关系;通过听句子写单词的活动,帮助学生根据发音规则拼写单词。 重点 学生能够读出符合ai和ay发音规则的单词。 难点 学生能够根据发音规则,正确拼写符合ai和ay发音规则的单词。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up Sing a songMagic eyesFree talkA:Where is ...B:It's ...Enjoy song Sing a songMagic eyesFree talkEnjoy song 通过演唱歌曲活跃气氛并引入课堂学习。用Free talk 的形式拉近师生的距离并唤醒旧知。 Presentation A Let’s spell教学rainyT:What's the weather S:It's rainy./re n /教学rainbowT:What's this This is rainbow./re b /以同样的方式教授其他单词。What do you find 通过小游戏复习并发现其规律。Fast reaction 教学rainy教学rainbow发现ai和ay发音规律Fast reaction 通过教学单个词来让学生认识理解其意义,同时教师放手让学生自己发现并归纳这几个单词的共同之处,如学生一时发现不了,教师可多次播放。 学生自己发现其中的规律并总结加强学生的记忆力,其中让学生跟音频读单词的音和义。游戏巩固 consolidation and extension Follow the tapeRead all togetherListen,read and circle.Look,listen and write.Read and quickly F ... ...

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