

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:10次 大小:2746880Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2020届高三英语精准培优专练·完形填空(三)议论文&夹叙夹议类(原卷版) Passage1.【2019·全国I】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Every year about 20,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They ___1___ with them lots of waste. The ___2___ might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the ___3___ of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I’m ___4___ about the place — other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences. However, I soon ___5___ that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of ___6___ among tons of rubbish. I find a ___7___ mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are ___8___ but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be ___9___. The best of a Kilimanjaro ___10___, in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are ___11___ as spiritual places by many cultures. This ___12___ is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as ___13___ go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, ___14___ lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather ___15___ — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I ___16___ twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland ___17___: gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. ___18___ you climb into an arctic-like zone with ___19___ snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro ___20___ its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true. 1. A. keep B. mix C. connect D. bring 2. A. stories B. buildings C. crowds D. reporters 3. A. position B. age C. face D. name 4. A. silent B. skeptical C. serious D. crazy 5. A. discover B. argue C. decide D. advocate 6. A. equipment B. grass C. camps D. stones 7. A. remote B. quiet C. all D. clean 8. A. new B. special C. significant D. necessary 9. A. paying off B. spreading out C. blowing up D. fading away 10. A. atmosphere B. experience C. experiment D. sight 11. A. studied B. observed C. explored D. regarded 12. A. view B. quality C. reason D. purpose 13. A. scientists B. climbers C. locals D. officials 14. A. holding on to B. going back to C. living up to D. giving way to 15. A. changes B. clears C. improves D. permits 16. A. match B. imagine C. count D. add 17. A. village B. desert C. road D. lake 18. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally 19. A. permanent B. little C. fresh D. artificial 20. A. enjoy B. deserve C. save D. acquire Passage 2.(2019全国卷Ⅲ高考压轴卷) Life is colorful. Sometimes it’s just like potato salad; when it’s shared, it became a picnic. With three young children to bring up, my husband John and I were very 1 . “Can we go on a picnic, Mom?” my six-year-old daughter, Becky 2 ... ...

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