

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:46次 大小:16464Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一.根据所听到的句子选图片 这个大题中的句子一般分成两种。一是直接描述画面,另一种是根据画面中的背景和相应的提示找出正确的图片。 解题技巧: 1.正确识别这些图片的主要意思,尽可能找出相似图片之间的不同之处 2.听懂句子的意思,要善于抓住听力材料中与图片吻合的关键词语 二.根据所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。 主要考点:时间、地点、数字、比较、天气等 解题技巧 对问题中提出的5个“w”和1个“h”,即“who,what,when,where,why和how”,以及关键性的词语,如:“名词、动词、频度副词、数字、日期”等,甚至有时对数字还要做简单的运算。  可边听边速记某些重要的词(只要自己明白在平时听力训练中自己设定的符号即可),这些重要的词包括人名、地名、时间、起因、经过和结果等。 三.听对话或短文,判断正误。 1.在听之前,要预先把进行判断的句子按顺序通读一遍,先大概明白人物、事件、时间、地点等一系列信息. 2.在听的过程中,只要按着题目顺序逐个进行“是”或“否”的判断即可。如果一时有一句没有听懂,要学会随机应变,把听懂的先做,第二次听的时候,再补上先前遗漏的题目。还有,不能主观臆断,如果所听材料中没有提及的内容,不能毫无理由的猜测。特别注意题目中如果出现一些词,如:always, never, all, only, sometimes…,在听之前就划出来,听的时候需要与文章内容进行比较后再判断正误。 例题: A. To teach the kids Chinese. B. To teach the kids English. C. To teach the kids singing. 听力原文: W1: I’d like to help the kids after school, but I don’t know what to do. Can you help me Mrs Smith? W2: Well, Cathy, you are good at singing. Why not teach thekids singing? W1: But I’d like to help them with their study. W2: Then you can help them with their English. Don’t forget you do very well in English. Q: What would Cathy like to do to help the kids? 易失误考点 1.说话人的语气态度. 2.有假信息干扰 3.需要计算 4.同义词 5.隐含信息,需要推断 易失误考点: 1.说话人的语气态度. W: Are you happy after you finished your exam? M: Happy? You should see my marks before you said that. Q: What did he think of his exam? 练习: A.Very good. B. Not bad. C. Terrible. 2. 有假信息干扰 例题: Which might the woman prefer? Tea with sugar B. Tea with milk C. Tea with nothing in it. 听力原稿: M: I’m afraid we haven’t got any milk. I’m very sorry. W: It doesn’t matter. I sometimes drink tea without milk. 练习:A. She has no hobby. B. She likes photography. C. She collects shells. 3.需要计算(注意:half, total, quarter, double) 例题:A. for 4 days B. for 3 days. C. for 2 days. 听力原稿: W: They came here the day before yesterday, didn’t they? M: No, they got here four days ago, and left yesterday. Q: How long have they been in the city? 练习题: A. 30 yuan B. 60 yuan C. 120 yuan. 4. 同义词: eg.look like – take after – look the same as,prefer – like … better,instead of – no ,do…well--be good at等 例题: A. Nobody B. Her father C. Her mother 听力原文: M: Is that girl Mrs Brown’s daughter? W: Yes. How do you know that? M: She looks quite the same as her mother. Q: Who does the girl take after? 练习题: A. By plane B. By ship C. Take a train. 5. 隐含信息,需要推断 例题: A. It’s rainy B. It’s sunny and hot C. It’s fine. 听力原文: W: ... ...

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