
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?练习卷(无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:184815Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~ 30各题所给的四个选项(A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。 Walt Disney came from America. When he was very young, his family 11_____ from the city to a farm. Although Disney was 12_____ most of the time, he could still find time to do interesting things. He spent much of his free time 13_____ pictures of the animals on the farm. He then began 14_____ stories about them. Later, he began taking art classes on Saturdays.21 When Disney grew older, his art 15_____ also grew. He began using a new way to tell his stories. To do this, he drew the same picture many times, changing (改动) each one a little. Using his camera, he took a photo of each drawing. Next, he put the film(胶卷)through a movie projector (放映机).As the pictures ran 16_____ through the projector, the characters looked 17_____ and moving. Disney soon began to use this way. He made his drawings into 18_____. And the cartoons were just like movies. From this we can see he is really 19_____. Walt Disney was 20_____ after many years of hard work. He became one of the world's greatest entertainers (表演者). His cartoons still make people happy every day. ( ) 11. A. lived B.lost C.moved D.saved ( ) 12. A. busy B.careful C.unlucky D.healthy ( ) 13. A. drawing B. taking C.buying D.reading ( ) 14. A. dressing up B. looking for C. making up D. caring about ( ) 15. A. talent B.news C.life D.lesson ( ) 16. A. slowly B. cheaply C.hardly D.quickly ( ) 17. A. real B. rich C.fresh D.necessary ( ) 18. A. books B.menus C.examples D.cartoons ( ) 19. A. quiet B.smart C.healthy D.kind ( ) 20. A. poor B.common C. successful D. serious A The Kennedy Elementary School band (乐队) is special. That's because Tony Boland, a member of it, is a 79-year-old flute (长笛) player. His story tells us that you're never too old to toot the flute. After working at the school for more than ten years, Tony joined the fifth graders in the band His grandchildren were at the school. He helps children with their reading. He started tooting the flute many years ago, when his wife tried to throw away (扔掉) their daughter's flute. "You will play better if you play with others," he told a reporter. Brian Enabnit thought Tony would make a difference to the band. "He's great. He's helping the students around him," Enabnit said. Tony practises with the students once a week and performs with them. They played at the Dubuque Community School District's Band Festival earlier this month. Fifth-grade student Courtney Less thought her older classmate was successful. "He's an excellent player," Courtney said. "All of us are afraid when giving a performance, but he isn't. " ( ) 36. Why is Kennedy Elementary School band special? A. Because there is only a boy in it. B. Because it has a member of 79 years old. C. Because its members are fifth graders. D. Because it gave a performance earlier this month ( ) 37. The underlined word “toot” means ... ...

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