
优质课 Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake SectionA 2d-3c 公开课课件+同步练习(含答案)+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:31346426Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake SectionA 2d-3c:25张PPT
    Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake
    SectionA 2d-3c同步练习
    A: Good morning! Can I help you B: Well, I’d like some oranges. Do they have much juice A: Certainly._____So they are very juicy. B: That’s great! I like juicy oranges very much. A: OK._____ B: I’d like five, please. A:_____ B: Four pounds twenty-five. A: Four pounds seventy-five_____?How about four pounds B: Sorry, I can’t._____ A: OK! Here’s five pounds. B: Thanks, and here’s your change. Thank you for your custom. Bye. A: Bye.
    A. Each orange is juicy enough for you to make a cup of juice. B. How heavy are they C. How much are these oranges in total D. That’s expensive! E. You can’t buy such good oranges at the same price anywhere else. F. How many oranges would you like G. It’s possible for you to make a cup of orange juice with every two oranges.
    A. First, put the water into the pot.
    B. Next, put the noodles into the pot and cook for five minutes.
    C. How many noodles do we need
    U8 Section A 2d 1.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d 2.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d 3.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d 4.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d 5.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d 6.mp3
    U8 Section A 2d.mp3
    Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake SectionA 2d-3c.docx
    Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake SectionA 2d-3c.ppt

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