
英语牛津上海版高二年级第一学期 同步教学课件(19份)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:93次 大小:48658920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件18张PPT。综合复习与检测词汇篇When Michael Wong was young, he was sensitive and shy. It was a huge task for him to talk to a stranger or go downstairs to the shops. But he found _____1_____ through playing the piano. Recently, the Malaysian piano star _____2_____ his latest album Never Apart. It’s made up of ten catchy (动听的) songs including the title song with the same name. Never Apart tells the story of a couple who are _____3_____ to separate for a while, but they still cherish (珍藏) the beautiful memories they had. “Music sounds better when it _____4_____ to true feelings,” he says. Now, Michael has grown up to be one of the most popular singers in Taiwan. His slow love songs including First Time and Fairytale are hits with heartbroken young people. Over the years, he has become bolder and learnt to voice _____5_____ in his music. Once, he was asked to sing a song someone else wrote. But he didn’t like the song lyrics(歌词), so he _____6_____ they should be changed. “If I broke up with someone, I don’t think I would have reacted in the same way as the story in the song,” he said. “I want to tell people _____7_____ how I will behave.” And it works. He says the song sounds better when he can sing it his own way. Michael is often called the piano prince. He’s _____8_____ when he plays and sings along. “When I play, inspirations rush to me like continuous streams. It _____9_____ no effort.” But he still works hard to make his songs _____10_____. “I’ll go over every tiny detail to make the song worth listening to.”E G C I J H A F B K Today, more than 85 percent of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels. Despite centuries of growing use, these fuels remain _____1_____. Powerful economic and political organizations are set up around the fossil-energy system. These realities seem to _____2_____ the 20-plus years of international efforts to get rid of world oil, coal and natural gas. A shift to carbon-free energy remains the platonic(空想的) ideal. It is time to acknowledge that on any given day, “Drill, baby, drill!” is in fact a highly _____3_____ policy for continuing to deliver the many benefits of cheap energy. As a result, we should focus not on moving off fossil fuels, but on capturing the carbon these fuels emit. Technologies for carbon capture are proven and available. They are also expensive -- at least for now. Yet the political ans social obstacles are far lower than those to _____4_____ fossil fuel. Progress is obviously more certain if we make the right investments. Capturing carbon from coal plants is estimated to _____5_____ the cost of generating electricity by between 30 and 80 percent. However, costs can be reduced by _____6_____ the captured carbon dioxide for commercial purposes, such as pumping it into oil fields to recover more oil, a technique in use since the 1970s. Continued innovation will _____7_____ costs further. Since 2008, the U.S. government alone has spent nearly $6 billion to ____ ... ...

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