
5.3 Module 5 My school day Unit 2.We start work at nine o’clock(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:73次 大小:3547085Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语七上 Module 5.3 My school day Unit 2 单项选择题 1.—????????does Lily come to the library? —In the morning. A. When??B. Where???C. What???D. Who 2.My sister likes????????because she wants to be a painter(画家). A. chemistry?B. history???C. art???D. maths 3.I will meet my best friend????????the morning of May 1st. A. in???B. on???C. at???D. with 4.We have science????????nine o’clock????????the morning. A. in;at??B. at;in???C. on;in???D. at;on 5.—????????is your birthday? —Tomorrow. A. When??B. What???C. Who???D. How 6.—What time is it now? —????????. A. It ten??B. It’s ten???C. Its ten??D.Is ten 7.Now Tom and Mike????????a new desk. A. have??B. has???C. having???D. there are 8.Now let’s go????????together. A. the classroom?? ?B. the school C. to home?? ? ?D. home 9.I often talk????????my brother. A. on???B. /?? ?C. to???D. for 10.Many students????????lunch in the dining hall of the school. A. have not?? ? ?B. don’t have C. not have?? ? ?D. have don’t 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. 解析:A 由答语“In the morning.”知问句问的是时间。 2.解析: C “画家”与art对应。喜欢美术是当画家的前提条件。 3.解析: B 在某一天的早上用介词on。 4. 解析:B 在具体时刻前用at;在上午用in。 5.解析: A 由答语可知是询问“你的生日是什么时候?”,故用when。 6. 解析:B 回答时间用“It’s+时刻”。 7. 解析:A 表示某人“有”某物用have或has,主语为复数,故用have。 8. D go是不及物动词,接地点名词时应加to;接副词时则不用to。home在此为副词,故选D。 9. 解析:C talk to...和……交谈。 10. 解析:B 行为动词have的一般现在时的否定形式是don’t have。 课件18张PPT。Module 5 My school dayUnit 2 We start work at nine o'clock.课程编号:TS1604010203W710503YJJ授课 : Janice外研版《英语》 七年级上册Language goals1.To talk about a day of school life. 2. To master the key words and phrases. 知识点一 Look at the following pictures. Can you tell me what she does?have breakfastget up 知识点一 have lunchgo to school知识点一 go homedo my homework知识点一 have dinnerwatch TV知识点一 go to bed知识点二 1. I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. get up是一个固定搭配,意为“起床” 如: What time do you get up? 你几点起床? I get up at six every morning. 每天早上我六点钟起床。 知识点二 [拓展] ???? get up还有“站起, 起立”之意,相当于stand up。如: All the students get up. 所有的学生都站起来了。 The class got up when the teacher came in. 老师进来时全班起立。知识点二 and then 相当于一个副词,意思是“于是, 然后”。如: Let’s go for a drink and then go home. 我们先去喝一杯然后再回家。 Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先读课文,然后解释生词。 知识点二 2. Then we go home at half past three. then用作副词,表示“那是,然后,当时”。 Then he went back to his seat. 然后他回到座位上去。 Then he slowly walked past the house. 然后他慢慢地走过这座房子。 His dog nosed me, and then let me go in. 他的狗闻了闻我,然后放我进去了。知识点二 then, and then的区别: 二者都表示“然后,于是”,都起着副词的作用,只是在语气上and then更强调前后两个事物时间上联系得更紧密些,and ... ...

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