
Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 1 What’s this in English(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:4791631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    杭州慕联教育科技有限公司(www.moocun.com) 外研版英语七上 Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 1 What's this in English 单项选择题 1.—What ___your name, please —My name _____ Li Lei. A.are, is   B.is, is C.am, is   D.is, am 2.What's this _____ a red apple. A.This is   B.It's C.It     D.This’s 3.I’m in___class. A. Miss Wang. B. Miss Liu’s C. Mr Chen D.Mr Chen is 4.___class are you___ A.Where, in B. What, on C. What, in D. Where, at 5.-Are you a new student here - ___ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I are. C. Yes, you are. D. No, I am. 6.How many___are there A. boy B. girl C. bags D. desk 7.-How___are you – I am thirteen. A. old B. much C. many D. do 8.Lili is in ___. A. Class two B. class two C. class Two D. Class Two 9.— Nice to meet you — _____. A. Fine,thanks. B. Nice to meet you,too. C.Hello D.Sorry 10.-Sit down ,please.-_____. A. Thanks you B. Thanks C. No thanks D. Thank you 答案解析: 单项选择题 1、B 考查be动词以及固定句型。 2、B 考查固定固定句型。 3、B 考查名词所有格。 4、C 你在哪个班级? 5、A 你是这儿的新生吗?是的,我是。 6、C 考查名词复数。ABD都是单数。 7、A 询问年纪How old are you 8、D 表示在几班大写。 9、B 回答很高兴见到你。 10、D 情景对话。(课件网) Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 1 What's this in English 课程编号:TS1604010203W71010301YJJ 授课 : Janice 外研版《英语》 七年级上册 Language goals 1. To master the sentences: —What’s that/ this in English —It’s a / an … 2. To understand the conversations on page S14. 知识点一 1. 提问年龄用: +be动词+主语? 回答时: 主语+be动词+数词(+years old) 2. 提问数量有多少用: + 可数名词复数+are there 回答时:There are/is +数词。 How old How many REVISION 句型 知识点一 What’s this in English It’s an English book. [' ɡl ] in English 知识点一 What’s this in English It’s a pen. It’s a pencil. 知识点一 blackboard Write it on the blackboard, please. 知识点一 It’s a dog. What’s this in English It’s a bird. 知识点一 It’s a flower. It’s a Chinese map. What’s this in English 知识点二 句型 知识点二 M: What’s this in English L: It’s a book. M: Write it on the blackboard, please. L: OK, B-O-O-K, book. It’s a book. M: Thank you. M= Miss Zhou L =Ling ling 知识点二 M: What’s this in English, Daming D: It’s a pen. M: A pen D: No, sorry. It’s a pencil. M: How do you spell “pencil” D: P-E-N-C-I-L. M: Yes, write it on the blackboard, please. D: OK, P-E-N-C-I-L. It’s a pencil. M= Miss Zhou D= Daming 知识点二 对某一物品名称提问并回答: -- What’s that/ this in English -- It’s a / an … -- How do you spell it --OK, … in English 表示“用英语”; 同样的表示“用汉语”使用 in Chinese. 知识点二 What’s this in English It’s a dog. 1. a bird 2. a book 3. a cat 5. a flower 6.a pen 7.a pencil 知识点二 A: What’s this in English B: A pen A: No. B: A Pencil A: Yes, a pencil. B: How do you spell “pencil” A: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil. 熟练回答: —What’s that/ this in English —It’s a / an … —How do you spell it ... ...

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