
7.4 Module 7 Great books Unit 3 Language in use(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:955198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语九上 Module 7.4 Great books Unit 3 单项选择题 阅读理解 ? ? ? Now people are trying to make the world a better place for birds to live in.People in China start the Bird Loving Week. Students from all parts of the country have been doing something to care for birds. ? ? ? Meng Yiru, a 16-year-old student from Nanyang Model High School in Shanghai, asked people to protect birds: Never put birds in cages. Go to visit them in the wild if you really love them.“I'll never forget the little sparrow(麻雀)I kept in a cage,”said Meng.“It stopped eating after I caught it and soon died.”Meng and her classmates put many of their ideas in their 300-word report to ask people to take better care of birds. ? ? ?China is the home of more than 1,000 kinds of birds because the country is large and has almost every weather type to suit them. ? ? ?But not everyone knows how to take good care of them. Some cut down trees and destroy the birds homes. This has made the number of the birds go down quickly. A study shows that one out of eight birds, more than 1,200 kinds, in the world could die out. This includes 95 percent of albatrosses(信天翁)and 60 percent of cranes(鹤). Some birds you see every day, like pigeons and parrots, are also in danger! ? ? ?To help them, people have set up 7,500?reserves?which are suitable and safe for the birds. In China,there are big reserves like the ones near the Dongting Lake in Hunan and the Poyang Lake in Jiangxi. Is there anything that you can do for birds? Take care of their homes. Feed them with something delicious. Well, think it over and begin to do it now! 1.China is the home of many kinds of birds because_____. A. people in China love birds B. people in China have planted a lot of trees C. people in China don’t eat birds D. it is large and has almost every weather type to suit them 2.Meng Yiru kept a sparrow _____. A. for several months??????????B. and soon it died C. and then set it free??????????D. and then gave it to her classmate 3.Some people cut down trees and_____. A.it may make our environment better??? B.they can plant more crops C.it may kill the birds?????? D.they can build more reserves 4.A study shows that_____of the birds may die out. A.one eighth ? ?B.half? ? ? ?C.two thirds? ? ? D.thirty percent 5.The underlined word“reserves”probably means“_____”. A.自然保护区 ? B.聚居地?C.野生动物园 ?D.养鸟场 6.In Chinese history, there are many national _____. A. hero? ? ? ?B. heros? ? ? ?C. heroes? ? ? ?D. shero 7.Apples are _____ in Yantai. A. grow? ? ? ?B. grew? ? ? ?C. grown? ? ? ? D. growing 8.His grandpa has been _____ for 3 years. A. die? ? ? ? B. died? ? ? ? ? C. dying? ? ? ? D. dead 9.Li Ming was _____ for being late for school again now. A. punish? ? ? ?B. punished? ? ? ?C. polish? ? ? ?D. polished 10.What's _____? Why are you so sad? A. up? ? ? ? B. on? ? ? ? C. in? ? ? ? D. down 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. D 解析:事实细节题。此题题意是“为什么中国是各种鸟儿的家园?”文章第三段揭示了因为中国气候多样 ... ...

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