

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:73次 大小:230912Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018-2019学年高二英语上学期 期末考试试题 考试时间:100分钟 考试分值:100分 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) A High-speed trains, Alipay(支付宝), shared bikes and online payment are seen as the new Four Great Achievements of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along Belt and Road Routes( 一带一路) were asked to name great inventions that had affected their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young people of them. 1. What does Justin think of the high-speed railways in China according to his words? A. fast and tidy. B. convenient and wonderful. C. cheap and amazing. D. exciting and expensive 2. What does the underlined phrase “be in a touch spot” mean? A. stay in silence. B. be in trouble. C. lose your way. D. lose face 3. How does Yala travel out? A. drive a car. B. take the bus. C. ride a bicycle. D. take a high-speed train B Nick was born with no arms or legs, but the brave 32-year-old man, plays football and golf, swims, and surfs. Nick has a small foot on his left side, which helps him balance and enables him to kick. He uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes. “I call it my chicken drumstick,” joked Nick, “I’d be lost without it. When I get in the water I float because 80 per cent of my body is lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller.(螺旋桨)” When Nick was born ,his father was so shocked that he left the hospital room to vomit( 呕吐). His?distraught?mother couldn’t bring herself to hold him until he was four months old.? “It was so hard for them, but right from the start they did their best to make me independent. My dad put me in the water at 18 months and gave me the courage to learn how to swim,”said Nick. Throughout his childhood Nick dealt with the typical challenges. At the age of seven, Nick tried out some specially designed electronic arms and legs, in hope that he would be more like the other kids. During the short trial period of the electronic arms and legs, Nick realized that even with them, he was still unlike his peers at school, and they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, affecting his flexibility quite significantly. “When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others,” said Nick, “I realized why God had made us like this-- to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do have, not to get angry about what I don’t.”   “I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.” By now, he has visited 35 different countries, touring the world as a motivational speaker. 4.What makes it possible for Nick to swim in the water? A. H ... ...

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