
Unit4 natural disasters period 2 reading and thinking 课件+教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:19203781Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件50张PPT。Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 2 reading and thinkingDiscuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?A huge crack appeared on the wall Discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?Many houses and the street were damagedLead inLet’s review1.The church service is in memory of the victims in the _____(灾难)。 2. He dived from the bridge and _____(营救)the drowning child. 3.The boy was deeply _____(影响)by the news of his mother’s death. 4. His wife’s _____(死亡)was a great blow to him. 5. The crops failed because of the _____(干旱)。 6. The _____(洪水)came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.disasterrescuedaffecteddeathdroughtfloodWords in last periodrefuse v refuse to do Before an earthquake There were deep cracks that appear in the well walls. Chickens and even pigs too nervous to eat , and dogs refused to go inside buildings.New words拒绝做某事She refused to accept that there was a problem.[r?'fju?z]During the earthquake Everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end. In less than one minute , a city lay in ruins. As if / though Less than 好像It looked as if we had seen somewhere before少于Less than More than Other than Rather than Less thanOther thanMore thanRather thanHe is ____ our teacher. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than少于多于,不仅仅除了而不是 After the earthquake Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Shelter destroy ['?elt?][d??str??]The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.This is a shelter for homeless women. The wall sheltered us from the wind.They sheltered from the sun under a tree.雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。这是个收留无家可归的妇女的收容所。墙壁遮挡着,使我们免遭风吹。他们在树底下乘凉。猜一猜!看谁反应快!Competition Let’s playLet’s playThe patient has the right to_____ the treatment. This meat tastes _____it has gone bad.You’re welcome to take _____from the storm.Use the following words to fill in the blanks refuse less than shelter as if refuse shelter as ifLet’s learn01Pre-readingLet’s learnThe night the earth didn’t sleep1.Look at the title and picture below and guess what the text is about. titleThe passage is about an earthquakeLet’s learnReading skills Use context to understand new words. When you see a word you don’t know, don’t stop and look it up in a dictonary. If you continue reading, the context will probably help you understand what it means. 2.Scan the text and find the words below .Guess what they mean from the text. ruin brick trap bury Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruinsBricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves,but no wind could blow them away. 废墟砖Scan the text and find the words below .Guess what they mean from the text. ruin brick trap bury Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out who were trapped and to bury the dead.使陷入圈套埋葬02While-reading3.Read the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each ... ...

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