
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.单元测试B卷(解析+答题卡)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:1880179Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【人教新目标(Go for it)版英语八年级(上)单元测试卷】 Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.(B卷) 班级:_____ 学号:_____ 姓名:_____ 得分:_____ 一、单选题(每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.-What is your little brother going to be when he _____ up? -He wants to be a pilot. A.grow B.grew C.grows D.grown ( )2.I want _____ a drum player and I'm going to take drum lessons. A.be B.to be C.do D.going to be ( )3.- _____ on Saturday? -She is going to take guitar lessons. A.What does she do B.When is she going to take guitar lessons C.How is she going to do D.What is she going to do ( )4.Li Yun's father kept on _____ , although he was tired. A.works B.work C.to work D.working ( )5.Dale likes flying a plane,so he wants to be a _____ when he grows up. A.policeman B.driver C.pilot D.scientist ( )6.There are some important words in this unit,please _____. A.write them down B.write down it C.write down them D.write it down ( )7.-How are you going to be a _____ ? -I'm going to practice basketball every day. A.basketball player B.teacher C.pianist D.violinist ( )8.He practices _____ English every day.So his spoken English is excellent. A.speak B.speaking C.speaks D.to speak ( )9.Is she _____ pilot or _____ engineer? A.an,an B.a,an C.a,a D.an,a ( )10.His brother is _____ math. So he wants to be a computer programmer. A.good at B.well at C.good for D.good with ( )11.—Where are you going to work? —_____. A.I want to be a football player B.I'm going to be a computer programmer C.I'm not sure yet D.I'm going to practice basketball ( )12.My cousin is going to take piano lessons _____. A.two days ago B.last week C.every day D.next week ( )13.—There is a new photo show.Let's watch it. —That _____ interesting. A.sounds B.sounds like C.looks D.looks like ( )14.—What do you want to be when you grow up ? —I’m _____that . But my father wants me to be a cook. A.not sure about B.sure about C.ready to D.not decide ( )15.My uncle is a _____.He can _____ Beijing Duck _____us. A.cook;cook;to B.cooker;cook;for C.cooker;cooks;to D.cook;cook;for ( )16._____ the beginning _____ this term,he made a resolution. A.From;on B.At;of C.From;with D.On;of ( )17.The young man made a _____ to his parents that he could study hard. A.plan B.decision C.promise D.discussion ( )18.I'm sorry to fail the exam. Let's discuss _____ good grades. A.what to get B.to get C.how to get D.how get ( )19.—What is your New Year’s resolution? —I never any resolutions because I can’t them. A.make, keep B.make, take C.take, keep D.keep, make ( )20.He’s going a tour guide when he grows up. A.be B.being C.to be D.to do 二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) Time flies so fast and Chinese New Year is coming. It is time 21 me to write down my New Year's resolutions. The first resolution is about improving my 22 with my family. I'm going to spend more time talking to my parents. And I'm going to p ... ...

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