
[备考2020]高考英语口语听说测试提分突破Unit 10 Going Shopping (ppt+mp3)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:63次 大小:5404882Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件33张PPT。 Unit 10 Going ShoppingUseful ExpressionsCould I buy half a kilo of oranges? 我可以买半斤橘子吗? Is there a discount on this book? 这本书打折吗? Do you have any specials right now? 目前你们有什么特价商品吗? Can I pay with a credit card? 我能用信用卡支付吗? Can I see your receipt, please? 我能看一下您的收据吗?The original price was 300 dollars. 原价是300美元。 I can’t believe these skirts are so cheap. 我不敢相信这些裙子这么便宜。 Most of them are 10% off. 大部分打九折。 The air conditioner broke down right after I bought it. 那台空调我刚买完就出故障了。 I’m asking for a refund because I’ve been overcharged. 我要求退款,因为多收我钱了。Useful ExpressionsScene Simulation(一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。 1. 你想给你妈妈买什么,裙子还是套装? 2. 你认为她会给这些小孩儿打折吗? 3. 她为什么不喜欢在周末的时候去超市?Scene Simulation4. 妇女节这天商场里有好多人,是吗? 5. 你可以给我介绍一款手机吗? 6. 你知道促销会持续多长时间吗?(一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。Scene Simulation1. 你想给你妈妈买什么,裙子还是套装? 2. 你认为她会给这些小孩儿打折吗? 3. 她为什么不喜欢在周末的时候去超市? 现在听录音,检查你的答案。What do you want to buy for your mother, a dress or a suit?Do you think she will give a discount to these children?Why doesn’t she like to go to the supermarket on weekends?4. 妇女节这天商场里有好多人,是吗? 5. 你可以给我介绍一款手机吗? 6. 你知道促销会持续多长时间吗?现在听录音,检查你的答案。Do you know how long the sale will last?There are a lot of people in the shopping mall on Women’s Day, aren’t there?Can you recommend a mobile phone to me?Scene SimulationScene Simulation(二)听取录音,根据所听到的内容补全对话,并与你的同学进行口头互动模仿练习。本段对话读两遍。W: Hmm…I don’t know which dress to choose. M: Come on! They’re _____! W: I just don’t know! It’s like comparing _____. M: Huh? W: They’re _____! The red dress is nice in some ways, and the blue is nice in others. _____ looks more professional, but a short one makes me _____… M: I didn’t know shopping could be so difficult. W: You’ve never been shopping with me, have you? M: No. I think I’d rather play _____.Scene Simulation现在听录音,检查你的答案。W: Hmm…I don’t know which dress to choose. M: Come on! They’re _____! W: I just don’t know! It’s like comparing _____. M: Huh? W: They’re _____! The red dress is nice in some ways, and the blue is nice in others. _____ looks more professional, but a short one makes me _____… M: I didn’t know shopping could be so difficult. W: You’ve never been shopping with me, have you? M: No. I think I’d rather play _____.both dressesapples and orangesvery differentA long dressfeel coola video gameReading Aloud The West Lake is one of the most beautiful places in China. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains. Many tourist attractions there are well worth visiting. The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves ... ...

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