
[备考2020]高考英语口语听说测试提分突破Unit 15 Talking about Feelings (ppt+mp3)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:20次 大小:4272894Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件36张PPT。 Unit 15 Talking about FeelingsUseful ExpressionsAre you kidding me? 你在逗我吧? What are you worried about? 你担心什么? Do you have something on your mind? 你有什么心事吗? Shall I go and comfort him? 我要不要去安慰一下他? Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. 我真的很感激你为我做的一切。 I’m tired of your excuses. 我已经厌倦了你的借口了。 The result is very disappointing. 结果很令人失望。 I’m really sorry that your wallet has been stolen. 你的钱包被偷了,我真替你感到难过。 That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. 那是我这辈子听过的最愚蠢的事了。Useful ExpressionsScene Simulation(一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。 什么让你心情不好了? 2. 你认为她会接受你的建议吗? 3. 她今天看上去不高兴,是吗?Scene Simulation4. 你的老师为什么对你的成绩不满意? 5. 什么让你姐姐更高兴,赢得比赛还是通过考试? 6. 他什么时候知道他没被这所学校录取的? (一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。Scene Simulation现在听录音,检查你的答案。What put you into a bad mood?Do you think she will accept your suggestion?She doesn’t look very happy today, does she? 什么让你心情不好了? 2. 你认为她会接受你的建议吗? 3. 她今天看上去不高兴,是吗?现在听录音,检查你的答案。When did he know that he wasn’t accepted by this school?Why wasn’t your teacher satisfied with your scores?What made your sister happier, winning the contest or passing the exam?Scene Simulation4. 你的老师为什么对你的成绩不满意? 5. 什么让你姐姐更高兴,赢得比赛还是通过考试?6. 他什么时候知道他没被这所学校录取的? Scene Simulation(二)听取录音,根据所听到的内容补全对话,并与你的同学进行口头互动模仿练习。本段对话读两遍。W: I feel so _____ here at school. M: Why is that? You seem to have so many friends. W: I guess I _____. M: I understand how you feel. I haven’t seen mine for _____. It’s just hard to go home when I have to study so much.Scene Simulation(二)听取录音,根据所听到的内容补全对话,并与你的同学进行口头互动模仿练习。本段对话读两遍。W: Yeah. Same here. I even missed my little sister’s _____ last week. That makes me ____! M: Aw! How old is she now? W: Seven. M: Well, exams will be over in a week. You should _____ her after that. W: I will.Scene Simulation现在听录音,检查你的答案。W: I feel so _____ here at school. M: Why is that? You seem to have so many friends. W: I guess I _____. M: I understand how you feel. I haven’t seen mine for _____. It’s just hard to go home when I have to study so much.lonelymiss my familysix monthsScene Simulation现在听录音,检查你的答案。W: Yeah. Same here. I even missed my little sister’s _____ last week. That makes me ____! M: Aw! How old is she now? W: Seven. M: Well, exams will be over in a week. You should _____ her after that. W: I will.birthdaysadgo to seeReading Aloud Almost everyone in the world uses oil in some way. Without oil, the world would stop, so people look for it everywhere. ... ...

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