
Unit 5 The power of nature Period One Warming Up & Reading课件(50张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:56次 大小:2639214Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件50张PPT。Unit 5 The Power of Nature 1.绝对的,完美的 2.绝对地,完美地 3.冒险,奇遇 4.担心,焦虑,渴望 5.不安的,忧虑的 6.灰,灰末 7.洗澡,游泳 8.使感到厌烦 9.取消,删去,撤销 10.勇气,胆量 11.不同的,多种多样的 12.多样性,多种多样 13.努力 14.(指火山)爆发,突然发生vi 15.火山爆发,战争等)爆发1.absolute 2.absolutely 3.adventure 4.anxiety 5.anxious 6.ash 7.bathe 8.bore 9.cancel 10.courage 11.diverse 12.diversity 13.effort 14.erupt 15.eruption16.评价,评估,估计 17.使兴奋,使激动 18.难以置信的,奇异的,极好的 19.泉水般地喷出源泉,喷泉 20.保证,担保 21.天堂,天国 22.飓风,风暴 23.给予深刻印象 24.给人深刻印象的 25.小说家16.evaluate 17.excite 18.fantastic 19.fountain 20.guarantee 21.heaven 22.hurricane 23.impress 24.impressive 25.novelist26.惊慌,恐慌 27.可能的/潜在的;潜能/可能性 28.珍贵的,贵重的 29.吞,咽,燕子 30.汗,出汗 31.摇晃,摇动,颤抖 32.台风 33.不幸的,倒霉的 34.不幸地 35.唯一的,独一无二的 36.火山26.panic 27.potential 28.precious 29.swallow 30.sweat 31.tremble 32.typhoon 33.unfortunate 34.unfortunately 35.unique 36.vocanoDo you remember what happened on Dec 26, 2004?Tsunami [tsu'nɑ:mi] n. ?海啸 Do you know any other natural disasters ? earthquakefloodsdroughtTyphoon/HurricaneSandstormthunder/ lightninghurricane /typhoontornado/cyclonevolcano-eruptiontyphoon sandstormfloodearthquaketornadosnowstormtsunamilandslide 泥石流cyclone 旋风hailstorm 冰雹volcanohurricane The power of natureWork with your partners and make a list of natural disasters .2. What do you feel when you see those pictures? Have you ever experienced one? Share you experience and feelings. 3.Have you ever seen a volcano? gasliquidsolidLava(熔岩)vapour水蒸气, carbon dioxide, nitrogen(氮),sulphur(硫磺), etc.bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.Can you guess what will be produced after the eruption of volcano?What do you know about volcano? Do you know how a volcano erupts?volcano-eruptionBoiling rock erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain. Magma chamber 岩浆室Lava熔岩Crater火山口Ash cloud/volcanic ashMore informationMore about the volcano1. How is a volcano formed?The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain. Volcano form when hot material from below rises and leaks into the crust(地壳). The hot material called magma(岩浆), rising from lower ground, gathers in a reservoir called the magma chamber(岩浆室). Eventually , but not always, the magma erupts onto the surface and form lava(熔岩. Strong earthquakes accompany rising lava, and the volcano may swell(膨胀) just before an eruption.Background knowledgeNear the oceans.Where is most possible for a volcano to erupt?An extinct volcano 死火山Haleakala Crater, the largest dormant volcano in the world Maui, Hawaii An active volcano3. What types of volcanoes do you know?dormant volcano 休眠火山Dormant volcanoExtinct volcanoMore pictures about volcanoPlease look at the diagram below. It shows a volcano erupting.Some powerful natural forces we can think of are fire, f ... ...

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