

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:80次 大小:2663631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 班级 _____ 姓名 _____ 座号 _____ 人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册期末复习(句型、情景) 连词成句。 1.doing likes kung fu and he swimming. 2. Australia is he in . 3. uncle my fisherman a is. 4. afraid they him are of. 5. should he clothes wear this warm morning. 读句子,选择正确的图片。 A B C D E 1.I have a pen pal. 2.I want to be a driver. 3.She goes to school by bike. He is good at football. The cat is a police officer. 读问句,选择答语(特殊疑问句)。 ( )1.What are Peter’s hobbies? A.I study Chinese. ( )2.What are you doing? B.He’s a businessman. ( )3.What do you do on Sundays? C.He works at sea. ( )4. What does he do? D.I’m writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. ( )5.Where does he work? E.He likes dancing. 四、读问句,选择答语(一般疑问句)。 ( )1. Do you want to be a head teacher, too? A.No, he isn’t. ( )2. Is your father here today? B.No, he doesn’t. ( )3. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? C.Cool! ( )4.Shall we dance? D.No, I don’t. ( )5.Can I also be his pen pal? E.Sure. Why not? 五、按照要求完成句子(对划线部分提问)。 1.He works on a boat. 2.He sees lots of fish every day! 3.Our cat is chasing a mouse now! 4. He can find 4 hobbies in the text. Dad is not well. It is a sunny morning. Today is Saturday. His name is John. Amy is 12 years old. 六、按照要求完成句子(改为一般疑问句)。 1.He lives in Sydney. 2.There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. 3.She’ll be here today! 4. He has a very healthy life. 5. It is raining now. 七、按照要求完成句子(改为否定句)。 1.Please sit on me, little ant. 2.I will sit on you. 3.So we can go to the zoo today. 4. He goes to other countries. 5. I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! 八、按照要求完成句子(改为同义句)。 1.What does your father do? 2.He goes to work by car. 3.What’s wrong with you? 4. What?about?your?dad? 5. Li Ying is good at basketball. Where?are?you?from? 根据上下文完成对话。 How many people are there in their family Do you get along happily How do they go to work D. What do they do Where?are?they?from A: Who are your neighbors? B: The Greens are my neighbors. A: Do you know them? B: Yes. A: 1. ? B: They’re from the US. A: 2. ? B: Mr. and Mrs. Green, a son and a daughter, Mike and Nancy. Four. A: 3. ? B: Mr Green is a writer, and Mrs Green is a teacher. The children are students. A: 4. ? B: They often go to work by car. A: 5. ? B: Yes, we do. I play games with Mike and Nancy every day. 十、看图片,写出合理的建议。 1 2 3 4 5 1.She should . 2.They . 3.He . 4. He . 5. She . 参考答案: 一、连词成句。 1.He likes doing kung fu and swimming. 2. He’s in Australia. 3. My uncle is a fisherman. 4. They’re afraid of him. 5. He should wear warm clothes this morning. 二、读句子,选择正确的图片。1-5CEABD 三、读问句,选择答语(特殊疑问句)。 1-5EDABC 四、读问句,选择答语(一般疑问句)。 1-5DABCE 五、按照要求完成句子(对划线部分提问)。 1.He works on a boat. How does he go to work? 2.H ... ...

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