
优质课Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B 2a-3b 公开课课件 同步练习(含答案)+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:44753730Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B 2a-3b同步练习 一、根据句意或首字母提示补全单词。 1、?Do?they?have?an?Art?F_____??No,?they?don’t. 2. There’ll?be?a?b_____?match?on?TV.?If?you?like?Yao?Ming?,?watch?it. 3、?We’ll?have?a?school?t_____?to?Mountain?Huang?next?month. 4、?What’s? the?d_____?today?? ?It’s?December?16th. 5、We?often?have?an?English?p_____?on?weekdays.   二. 找亲戚,从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。 ???????????? A 1.. Do you like your school day? 2.. When is the pop concert? 3. Do you have a Music Festival? 4. When is your brother’s birthday? 5. How old is he? ?????????? B A. It’s in July. B. It’s August fifteenth. C. sorry, I don’t know. D. Yes, I do. E. He is fourteen years old. 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 三、选择题 ( )1.___ is the month between May and July.??? A. April???    B. June???   C. August???? ( )2. Our school trip is _____May. A. in      B. on    C. at ( )3. We have English concert _____July 5th each year. A. in B. on C. at ( )4. _____is your Art Festival? A. What B. When C. Which ( )5. ___ is your mother? She is forty.?? A. How old???? B. How??? C. How age?? D. What age ( )6. New Year's Day is in _____. A. December B. October C. January ( )7. When is _____ birthday party? A. David B. David’s C. you .D. him ( )8.. I _____ a birthday party every year A. have B. get C. bring D. take Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B 2a-3b同步练习答案 一、1.Festival 2.basketball 3.trip 4.date 5.party 二、 D B C A E 三、1-5 BABBA 6-8 CBA 课件29张PPT。新目标人教版Go for it 七年级上 Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B 2a-3b 阅读课公开课Warming upMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayCan you read it now? Let’s have a try?Today, let’s review how to read the dates.Lead inLet's review how to read the dates.A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on .When is your birthday?These important day in our life.Lead inWhat’s the date today?Today is December 2rd.On December 9th, we have tests. I think they are easy for us.小测试 On the twelfth, we have our English Show Day. It’s very interesting and fun. And your parents can come to school.英语活动日 On the thirteenth, we have a school trip. It’s very interesting and relaxing.学校旅行 On the seventeenth, we have a basketball game.举行篮球比赛On the 25th, we have Christmas party. And we can buy some beautiful things on presents sale. 礼物售卖 On the 30th, we have New Year’s party. It’s our art festival.艺术节 For me, December is a really busy month. On December 8th, we have tests. I think they are easy for us. On the twelfth, we have our English Show Day. It’s very interesting and fun. And your parents can come to school. On the thirteenth, we have a school trip. It’s very interesting and relaxing. On the seventeenth, we have a basketball game. On the 25th, we have Christmas party. And we can buy some beautiful things on presents sale. On the 30th, we have New Year’s party. It’s our art festival. Let’s have a report. What about your plan ... ...

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