
(公开课)Unit 1 While the car were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared. 课件+教案+练习+素材+课堂实录

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:49次 大小:6681676Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    附件 教学设计 基本信息 区 北辰 学校 河北工业大学天津附属中学 教师姓名 祁继东 授课年级 八年级 指导教师(最多2人) 高仲娟 学科 英语 教材版本 外研版 章节 Module8Unit1 课程名称 Accident 课型 听说课 授课日期 2018年11月28日 软硬件环境 交互式电子白板、学生无端;互联网;外研版教材;普通教室 使用资源标记 使用外研版数字教材的片段:26’10’’-27’20’’ 28’16’’-29’10’’…… 教学前期分析 教材分析 本节课为外研版八年级上册Module8 Unit1,主要语法为过去进行时态,在本册书中起联系前后的作用。 学情分析 八年级学生已经具有一些生活经验,了解了生活中会发生的各种意外事故,并且掌握一定的词汇,可以进行简单的描述并进一步理解运用所学知识描述,讲解以至解决问题。 教学目标 1.Knowledge objectiveTo master the useful words and sentences. Words: pale, appear, round, corner, hit, glad, risk, side expressions: in time, fall off, pay attention, side by side 2.Ability objective 1). To help students to improve their ability of listening and speaking. 2). Enable students to understand conversations about traffic rules. 3.Moral objective 1). To help students know the importance of traffic rules. 2). Improve their sense of duty to follow the traffic rules. 教学重点 New words and expressions.To learn the grammar knowledge of the past continuous tense. 教学难点 Cultivating the ability of expressing opinions. 教学策略 PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 教学用具 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures. 教学过程设计 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 资源使用?[1]? 设计意图 Step 1 Lead-in. Step2 Presentation. Step 3Grammar Step 4Reading. Step5 Think about main points and write them down. Step6 Show your works Step7 Homework Show some pictures and ask ss to answer my questions. Play the radio and ask Ss to listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. Then check in groups.Show PPT to the ss,then teach ss how to use “when”and”while”,give them some useful sentences.Let ss read the passage and choose the correct answer.Then read in groups and complete the passage in thepaper. When you are riding a bike, think about the risk of an accident!Suppose you are a policeman,say something to the people ,tell ss to obey the rules and prevent accidents.Let Ss read the passage first and choose the one of the homework to do then send me by e-mail. Ss look the pictures and fill in the blanks. Ss listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Then check in groups.Reading and answering questions,pay attention to the useful sentences. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. Work in groups, Ss say the meaning of the phrases as quickly as possible.Then make sentences.Write a short passage,then show your work in class. Read your book and choose one of the work to do . Some pictures and the big screen 1. What was the boy doing when he was riding his bike? 2. When did a car suddenly appear round the corner? 3. Did the boy fall off his bike?Reading quicjly and answer my questions.Master the main sentences. ... ...

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