
Unit 2 What a day 阅读理解(5份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:50次 大小:14757Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 What a day! 课外拓展阅读练习 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 A Last Sunday, It was sunny in the morning. I went to the zoo with my mother by bus. There was a panda show there. When we got there, we saw many people. The panda show was wonderful and we took lots of photos. After that, we went to see other animals, such as monkeys, bears, lions, birds and so on. In the afternoon, it was cloudy and rainy. We had to go home. We were both wet, but we were very happy. ( )1.Last Sunday, It was rainy in the morning. ( )2.I went to the zoo with mu aunt by bus. ( )3.We didn’t take any photos. ( )4.In the afternoon, it was cloudy and rainy. ( )5.We were both wet and we were happy. B It was Sunday. The weather was fine. It was sunny and there was no cloud in the sky. Lily and I got up at six thirty. We went to the park at eight o’clock. It was a big park and it was very beautiful. We saw many people there. They came here to have a good rest. Some boys played basketball on the grass. Some girls sang and danced near the hill. An old man read a newspaper under a big tree. A young woman and her little son played with a boy car. How happy they were! ( )1.It was cloudy. ( )2.We were in a small park. ( )3.Some boys danced on the grass. ( )4.A young man and his child played with a toy car. ( )5.There was an old man reading a newspaper under a big tree. C In China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in March and ends in May. Summer is often very hot. It is from June to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn begins in September, and goes on to November. The weather can be very cool in autumn. Winter is from December to February, and it is very cold. You must wear lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold. The seasons of the year in England and America are nearly the same. But the weather in England never gets too hot or too cold. The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August. So when it is spring in China, it is autumn in Australia. ( )1.Autumn is from September to November in China. ( )2.The hottest month in China is June. ( )3.The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. ( )4.When China is in spring, Australia is in winter. ( )5.America’s weather is most like China’s. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 A Last year, I went to a summer camp on vacation. On the first day, I went to a beautiful beach with the friends and the teachers. It was sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. The water was warm and we had great fun. Then the next day, we went to the mountains. There were many trees and I really enjoyed them. On the last day, we had a great party. We sang and danced happily. I didn’t want to leave the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to the summer camp again next year. ( )1.I went to a summer camp . A.this year B.last year C.next year ( )2.I went to on the first day. A ... ...

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