
Module 5.2 Lao She Teahouse Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:897043Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语八上 Module 5.2 Lao She Teahouse Unit 1 单项选择题 选择题 1.The?little?boy?_____?his?seat?to?an?old?lady?on?the?crowded?bus.? ? ? ? ? A.?lent? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B.?offered ????? C.?took ????????????????? ?D.?brought 2.It's important _____ not to eat healthy.? A. to remember B. remember C. remember to D. Remembering 3.Everyone is waiting in the classroom, _____ the teacher hasn't arrived yet. A. But B. because C. Except D. especially 4.The girl _____ Diana is my classmate. A. who is? B. call C. name D. called 5.The girl _____ Diana is my classmate. A. who is? B. call C. name D. called 判断题 A?man?went?to?see?his?doctor?one?day,?because?he?was?suffering?from?pains?in?his?stomach.?After?the?doctor?had?examined?him?carefully,?he?said?to?him,?“Well,?there’s?nothing?really?wrong?with?you,?I’m?glad?to?say.?Your?only?trouble?is?that?you?worry?too?much.?Do?you?know,?I?had?a?man?with?the?same?trouble?as?you?here?a?few?weeks?ago,?and?I?gave?him?the?same?advice?as?I?am?going?to?give?you.?He?was?worried?because?he?couldn’t?pay?his?tailor’s?bills.?I?told?him?not?to?worry?about?the?bills?any?more.?He?took?my?advice?and?when?he?came?to?see?me?again?two?days?ago,?he?told?me?that?he?now?felt?quite?all?right?again.?”?“Yes,?I?know?all?about?that,”?answered?the?patient?sadly.?“You?see,?I’m?that?man’s?tailor!” ? 6.The?tailor?went?to?see?his?doctor?because?he?has?got?a?headache.? 7.There?is?nothing?serious?with?the?tailor.? 8.A?man?with?the?same?trouble?as?the?tailor?a?few?days?ago.? 9.The?doctor?gave?the?man?and?the?tailor?the?same?advice.? 10.The?tailor?was?worried?because?a?man?couldn’t?pay?his?bills.? 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. B 解析:offered表示给予。 翻译:在拥挤的公交车上,小男孩把自己的座位让给了一个老奶奶。 2. A 解析:I't's+形容词 to do sth做某事是...的 3. B 解析:因为老师还没到,每个人都在教室里等 4. D 解析:过去分词作后置定语,被叫做 5. D 解析:过去分词作后置定语,被叫做 判断题 6. F 解析:根据第1句A man went to see his doctor one day, because he was suffering from pains in his stomach可知本题是错误的。 7. T 解析:根据…there is no thing really wrong with you (tailor)可知裁缝的身体并没有什么大碍,故可判断此题与短文内容相符。 8. F 解析:根据句子Do you know, I had a man with the same trouble as you here a few weeks ago可知本题所叙述的时间与短文内容不一致,因此可判断此题是错误的。 9. T 解析:根据…and I gave him the same advice as I am going to give you可知答案。 10. T 解析:通读全文我们可知:上一个病人是担心他自己不能付钱给他的裁缝,而这个裁缝的病因却是因为担心那个人不能付钱给他的。 课件11张PPT。外研版《英语》 八年级上册Module 5 Lao She TeahouseUnit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.课程编号:TS1605010203W81050102WQQ授课:DoubleLanguage goals1.了解书本中对话的内容;完成配套的练习。 2.掌握对话中包含的语法知识点。 知识点 1对话解析Betty: Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night. Tony: How was it? Betty: It was great! You know,I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to take me there.We drank tea and watched an opea. ... ...

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