
Module 8.4 Accidents Unit 3 Language in use(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:1456864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语八上 Module 8.4 Accidents Unit 3 阅读理解 ? ? ?Every year several thousand people die in the car accidents in Great Britain. And between one and two hundred thousand people are hurt. ? ? ?There are rules to make the roads safe, but people do not always obey (遵守) the rules. They are careless. If everybody obeys the rules, the road will be much safer. How can we make the roads safer? ? ? ?Remember this rule. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the ?left. Cars, buses and bikes must all keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. ? ? ?Before crossing the road, stop and loo k both ways. Look right and left. Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, it is safe to cross the road. If you see small children or very old people, help them to cross the road. We must teach our children to cross the road safely. We must always give them a good example. Small children must not play in the street. 1.If we want to make the roads safer, _____. A. everybody must be careful and obey the traffic rules B. traffic should keep to the right C. don’t cross the road too often D. roads must be clear 2.If you ride a bike in Great Britain, you must ride_____ . A. on the right side of the road ?? ? B. on the left side of the road C. in the middle of the road? ? ? ? ? ? D. behind the buses 3.Which is NOT right? A. Few people die in the traffic accidents i n Great Britain. B. In our country traffic keeps to the right. C. C ars, trucks and buses kill many people and most of them are old people and children. D. Streets are not safe places for play. 4.“The road is clear” means that _____. A. there is no car or bus running ?? B. the road is very clean C. the road is not noisy? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. you can see very clearly on the road? 5.The safe way to cross the road is to_____. A. look right? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. look left C. look both ways, right and left ? ? D. run cross the road 选择题 6._____,he decided to send the sick child to hospital. A. To the end ? B. In the end ? ? C. At the end ? D. By the end 7.They got up early _____they could catch the early bus. A. because ? ?B. until ? ? C. so that ? ?D. that 8.—I hear Tom is working at history very hard. —I’m _____he will pass the history exam this time. A.?Afraid ? ?B. surprised ? ?C. sure ? ?D. sorry 9.To keep the classroom clean, please _____waste paper whenever you see it. A. throw away ? B. pick up ? ?C. put up ? ? D. send up 10.Please try _____late for school next time. A. to not be ? ?B. not be ? ? C. not to be ? D. to be not 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. A 解析:由本文第二段中的“If everybody obeys the rules, the road will be much safer.”可知。 2. B 解析:本文的第三段告诉我们,在英国,交通运输工具都是在左侧通行,否则会出现事故。 3. A 解析:由本文第一段中的内容可知, 只有A 项与内容矛盾,其他各项均与短文意思相符。 4. A 解析:根据第四段中的“Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, it is safe to cross the road.”可知答案。 5. C 解析:通过第四段中的“Before crossi ... ...

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