
Module 12.4 Help Unit 3 Language in use (同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:1553135Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语八上 Module 12.4 Help Unit 3 阅读理解 ? ? Mr. Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. It was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didn't see the red light. He couldn’t stop his car and hit a car. ? ? An old man got out of the car and called out angrily,?“What are you doing??How can you drive so fast?” ? “I'm sorry, sir,”said Mr Brown,“I didn't see the light turns red.”Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.“It's cold today, sir,”said Mr Brown.“Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm.” ? ? The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked,“I’m feeling much better now. Why don’t you drink any?” ? ?“I can't drink anything now, sir,”answered Mr Brown.“I'm waiting for the policeman. Only drunkards cause accidents, you know!” 1.When did the story happen? A.?In the morning. ? ? ? B.?In the afternoon. C.?In the evening.? ? ? ? D.?At night. 2.Why did Mr Brown drive so fast? A.?He was happy that day.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B.?He was good at driving. C.?There were few cars in the street. ? ? D.?He was afraid to be late. 3.Mr. Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that _____. A. he didn’t see the red light ? ? B.?he drove fast C. he couldn’t drive at all? ? ? ? ? ?D.?it was raining hard 4.We can know that _____ at last. A. Mr. Brown was not late for school B. the old man and Mr. Brown became good friends C. Mr. Brown drank some wine D. Mr. Brown fooled the old man 5.Why did Mr. Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man? A. To make him happy.? ? ? ? ? B. To make him drunk. C. To make him warm.? ? ? ? ? ?C. To make friends with him. 单选 6.The bag _____ Betty's. Hers is much bigger than this one. A. can be? ? ? ? ?B. may be? ? ? ? ?C. can't be? ? ? ? ?D. may not be 7.He's such a kind man _____ everyone in our class likes him. A. so? ? ? ? ? ?B. that? ? ? ? ? ?C. and? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. but 8.Something is _____ with my car. It doesn't work well. A. bad? ? ? ? ?B. wrong? ? ? ? ? ?C. problem? ? ? ? ? D. trouble 9.Don't make her _____ at home all day. A. stay? ? ? ? ?B. staying? ? ? ? ? C. satys? ? ? ? ?D. stayed 10.Nobody _____ to travel in that city again. A. want? ? ? ? ? B. wants? ? ? ? ?C. wanted? ? ? ? ? D. wanting 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. A ?解析:由短文第一段第一句“今天早上布朗先生起床晚了”可知选A。 2. D 解析:由短文第一段第二句“他上班要迟到了”可知选D。 3. C 解析:由短文第一段第三、四句“天下着大雨,路面很湿,他开车如此快以至于他没看见红灯”可知选C。 4. D 解析:文章最后一段可知Mr. Brown愚弄了那位老人,骗他喝了酒,然后等候交警到来。 5. B 解析:从第二段第五题可知,布朗先生在撞车之后给了司机酒是为了让他喝醉,让警察误以为他是酒驾。 6. C 解析:后半句说她的包比这个大多了,所以前一句应该是说这个包不可能是贝蒂的,can't用于猜测时,译为不可能。 7. B 解析:such......that......译为如此......以至于...... 8. B 解析:我的车出故障了,wrong解释为故障的 9. A 解析:make sb do sth. 让某人做某事 10. B 解析:nobody为不定代词,作主语时谓语动词用单数 ... ...

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