
人教PEP版五年级上册期末基础知识复习--句型 情景练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:62次 大小:3502337Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 班级 _____ 姓名 _____ 座号 _____ 人教PEP版小学英语五年级上册期末复习(句型、情景) 连词成句。 1.do I fu can some kung! 2. nice is your really room ! 3. there photo bed is a above the. 4. is park the nature so quiet! 5. look you cool! 读句子,选择正确的图片。 A B C D E F G H I J 1.We’ll have an English party next Tuesday! 2.I can play basketball. 3.This is the living room. There are ducks in the river. There is a lake near the village. The train began to move. The cat is in the bottle. The cat is on the bottle I live near my school. There is a bridge over the river. 三、读问句,选择答语(特殊疑问句)。 ( )1.What’s near the house? A.I live near the nature park. ( )2.When is your birthday? B.My birthday is on Monday. ( )3.What’s Robin like? C.John can be my friend. ( )4. Who can be my friend? D.There is a nature park near the house. ( )5.Where do you live? E.Robin is friendly and funny. 四、读问句,选择答语(一般疑问句)。 ( )1. Can you do any kung fu, John? A.Yes, she is. ( )2. Do you want a new friend? B.Yes, there is. ( )3. Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? C.Yes, I can. ( )4.Is she strict? D.Yes, I do. ( )5.Is Robin at Mr Jone’s house? E.Yes, he is. 五、按照要求完成句子(对划线部分提问)。 1.I like my bed. 2.My computer is here on the desk. 3.There are so many pictures on the wall. 4. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. The rooms are dirty. There are many ducks on the lake. My father can draw very well. They’re my grandmother’s plants. 六、按照要求完成句子(改为一般疑问句)。 1.There are some trees in the village. 2.There is a lake, Miss White. 3.It’s going to be a fun day. 4. I am Robin the Robot! 5. I can speak English and Chinese. 6. We’ll learn some kung fu. 七、按照要求完成句子(改为否定句)。 1.I can sing English songs. 2.I’m going to the zoo 3.Please send me an email at robin@urfriend.cn. 4. There are lots of flowers in it. 5. In the park there is a high mountain. 八、按照要求完成句子(改为同义句)。 1.In front of the mountain there is a small village. 2.How about you, John? 3.I’m going to look at the animals. 根据上下文完成对话。 Who are they How about you What can you do for the party D. There is an English party next Tuesday Are there many people A: Good afternoon, John. B: Good afternoon, Oliver. A: 1. . Can you come? B: Wow! Cool!2. ? A: Yes, there are. B: 3. ? A: Robin, Zhang Peng,Mike... B: I know Robin, he can do kung fu. A: 4. , John? B: I want to sing English songs. But I can’t sing well. Can you help me? A: No problem. I can help you. B: Thank you.5. , Oliver? A: I can dance. B: Wonderful! 十、看图片,完成句子。 1 2 3 4 5 1.I can . 2.There is a cat . 3.I go to school by . 4. . 5. . 参考答案: 一、连词成句。 1.do I fu can some kung! I can do some kung fu! 2. nice is your really room ! Your room is really nice! 3. there photo bed is a above the. There is a photo above the bed . 4. is park the nature so quiet! The nature pa ... ...

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