
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section B (1a-1d) 课件+音频

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:11734317Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section B(1a-1d) question: —How many days in a week? —There are seven days in a week. The first day of a week is _____. The second day of a week is _____. The third day of a week is _____. The fourth day of a week is _____. The fifth day of a week is _____. The sixth day of a week is _____. The seventh day of a week is_____ . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Saturday Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 Weekdays (工作日) Weekends (周末) 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 1 语文 数学 英语 历史 音乐 2 数学 地理 政治 数学 语文 3 生物 生物 体育 英语 美术 4 美术 语文 数学 微机 科学 5 政治 历史 音乐 生物 数学 6 微机 体育 科学 地理 体育 Chinese math English history music math geography politics math Chinese biology biology P.E. English art art Chinese math computer science politics history music biology math computer P.E. science geography P.E. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Timetable When do you have art? I have art on Monday. Think abuot it 思考一下 When do you have English? 你什么时候上英语课? I have English every day. 我每天都上英语课。 When does Tom have music? 汤姆什么时候上音乐课? He has music on Friday. 他星期五上音乐课。 When do you have Chinese? 你什么时候上语文课? I have Chinese on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 我星期一,星期三,星期五上语文课。 (1)—When do you have +科目 ? 你什么时候上……课? —I have + 科目+on + 星期几。 我星期…上……课。 第三人称单数形式: (2)—When does he/she have +科目 ? —He/she has + 科目+on + 星期几。 What do you think of these subjects? 你对这些学科有什么看法? Chinese P.E. art music math science history English computer description words 描述性词语 fun interesting relaxing easy useful important boring 有趣的;好玩的 有趣的 令人放松的 简单的 有用的 重要的 无聊的;无趣的 difficult 困难的 A: What do you think of music? B: It’s_____ . relaxing 令人放松的 A: What do you think of geography? B: It's . useful 有用的 A: What do you think of history? B: It's_____. interesting 有趣的 Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right. 1a boring difficult busy easy interesting fun free cool Listen and check the words you hear in 1a easy interesting fun free cool boring difficult busy ? ? 1b Listen again. Circle the classes David talks about on this schedule. 1c DECEMBER Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th A.M. 08:00 science A.M. 08:00 math A.M. 08:00 Chinese 09:00 English 09:00 math 09:00 science 10:00 Chinese 10:00 history 10:00 math 11:00 P.E. 11:00 science 11:00 P.E. P.M. 12:00 lunch P.M. 12:00 lunch P.M. 12:00 lunch 01:00 geography 01:00 music 01:00 English 02:00 art 02:00 geography 02:00 art DECEMBER Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th A.M. 08:00 math A.M. 08:00 Chinese soccer game 09:00 Chinese 09:00 English 10:00 Chinese 10:00 art 11:00 history 11:00 P.E. Sunday 31st P.M. 12 ... ...

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